●Chapter 4●

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"I'll keep you safe if you keep me wild"
-Sophia Bush.

What's more irritating than somebody disturbing my sleep? NOTHING. Oh goddd. I had such a bad headache right now. I knew I shouldn't have had those beers last night. Why god why. And who the hell is calling me so early in the morning.

I didn't even care to see who it was. Whoever it was better have been kidnapped or about to be killed otherwise I'm going to be the one doing it.

"What is it? It better be important." I said answering it and almost shouting. But whoever it was on the other side of the phone wasn't quite amused I guess. He huffed out a big sigh.

"Well really? Don't give me that attitude. I'm not the one waking you up." I said getting even more annoyed.

"You're late." Oh no. Its him. I could
feel all the blood drain from my body. I got up to sit, too fast because it followed by everything blackening in my sight and a huge blood rush. "Arrgghh" I groaned.

"Are you okay?" Omg he was still there on the phone. I almost forgot. "Yes, yes Sir. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'll be there in 30 mins." I said quickly getting off the bed and running towards the bathroom.

"20, and don't forget the coffee. Black and one sugar."

I was almost about to say that's its not possible for anybody to getup and have a decent shower and collect coffee and reach office in fücking 20 mins. But he didn't let me because the next thing I heard was the sound of beeps telling me already hung up.

Wow, his dick's stuck up his ass I guess. He could at least be a little considerate.

Whatever. I'll just have to do what he says otherwise I'll lose my job. And that's the worst and last thing I need right now.

After having a super quick shower and putting on some decent clothes I picked up whatever I needed and made my way to the car. It quickly picked up coffee and was about to reach when midway I realized I forgot the medical papers he'd ask for. Right when I was about the take a u turn to head to my home to collect the goddamn papers I got a text from Emily.

Hey babe, I know you and I knew you'd forget to take the papers since you'd have to getup early and all. Lol. So anyway I already put it in your purse yesterday just in case you started to realize you left them behind. Haha sorry I didn't tell you before. and thank me by buying me lunch today. Justin's coming back btw. ;) xx

For the love of god. How would I ever live without my best friend. The answer is- I couldn't. I quickly replied a thank you and headed towards the basement area to park my car.

I hurried towards the elevator. I had to go on the 25th floor and obviously I couldn't climb it. I reached the 25th floor after a very very slow elevator ride, I swear this was the slowest elevator in all of America. I almost saving the coffees getting spilled by a 5 year old who thought it was funny pushing me.

I still didn't know how people could handle kids sometimes. Yeah I know they are cute but dude they are high maintenance. It's so scary. What if they cut your hair in the night while you're sleeping just because they thought it was funny. Its not funny kid. It's not.

Just as I was about to turn around the corner to head towards Julian's office, I banged onto something so hard it almost hurt. But not more than the fact that the coffee had just spilled all over me and... Him.
Why? Why out of all the people working in this mothereffing office would it HAVE to be my boss I spill coffee on?

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't see you coming. I was just rushing towards your office because I was already so late. I'm so sorry, I'll just clean this up." I was about to bend down to pick up the now empty coffee mugs when he stopped me by catching my arms. "Stop. The cleaning staff can take care of that. You're already late and you've wasted enough time. I have work with you. Be in my office in 5 minutes. 5 mins Miss Anderson."

He said sternly before leaving. I was just standing there feeling so embarrassed when I heard him say "And Miss Anderson?"

I looked up at him only to find him smirking. "I hope you have a spare shirt in your office" He said eyeing my shirt. What does he mean?

I looked down to see that the coffee had spilled all over my chest area making my white shirt turn transparent. My red bra on display.
Great. Let the ground just swallow me now. I just turned away and rushed towards Tess' office. I knew she would have one there. I did keep a spare one in mine, but it had gone for laundry.

Tess' spare shirt was just so.. Revealing, least to say. Ofcourse I thought. She believed, "Make them feel bad that about the fact that they can't touch the beauties." She would say. I laughed to myself thinking about her. My idiotic best friend. I knew she wouldn't mind me taking this, which made me wonder where she is? I'll ask her later. I quickly changed and went to Julian's office.

I knocked at his door once and I didn't need to do it again because he opened the door immediately and was standing there with a smile on his face. Uhm what was this about?
I haven't seen him smile once since he got here.

It made me feel giddy. Looking at this handsome face smiling at me. The way his dimples shown when he genuinely smiled was all I wanted. I wanted him to be this way. "Come in Miss Anderson, it's about time."

Yepp, its about time. I thought to myself. Pun intended.

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