● Chapter 16 ●

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"Everbody has a part of them that they hide. Even from the ones they truly love."

Today was Friday. Today is the day I'm going to run away. Yes I'm going to run away from here. I have no other choice. If I stay here he'll make me do whatever he wants and I can't have that.

I've already made the plan. Justin's going to help me with it. I didn't have time to explain everything to him so I told him I'm going on a small vacation for week. I'll tell him everything in good time.

Tess is going to kill me. But I can't stay here. Not anymore. The mere reason I came to this city in the first place was to leave my past behind and start afresh. I can't let my past catchup. Not when I've come this far. I won't let it happen. I just can't.


Justin: My favorite letters in the alphabet are U R A Q T ;)

Me: You are proof that evolution can go in reverse. Grow up already.

Justin: Words hurt woman. :(

Justin being his typical Justin. Reminds me of the night we first met, five years ago.

This music is so loud, I'm sure my I'm not going to have functioning eardrums by tomorrow morning. And where the hell is Tessa?

"Would you sleep with a stranger?" I turned to see a man standing there with a boyish grin on his face. I should be incredibly offended he'd think of me as some slut of the club but I wanted to laugh. Nevertheless I just gave him a stern look and said, "No."

"Then hi, my name is Justin." He said extending his arm for a handshake. Smooth, I thought. I smiled at him trying real hard to control my laughter.

"You look cute when you're trying to control your laugh..." He paused and then raised an eyebrow.

I raise one eyebrow back at him.

"This is the part where you tell me your name." There comes that grin again.

"Emily." I said taking his appearance. He was wearing a black tshirt and a dark mahagony leather jacket over it with denim jeans. Typical playboy look. Nice.

"Dude you are so checking me out." He said smirking and ordering for 2 beers.

"I've seen way better." Yes and I wish I could forget about it.

"Oh please, if you weren't in here. I'd be the hottest person in this place."

"This is how you get girls to sleep with you?" I asked with one of my own smirks.

"Wait until you hear this one." He said chugging down the last of his beer.

"Bring it on." I could use some entertainment till Tess realises she didn't come here alone.

"Roses are red. Violets are fine. I'll be the 6 if you'll be the 9." I literally choked on my beer.

"You are crazy." I laughed.

We spent the next hour talking. He was actually funny. I could see us being good friends. God knows I needed friends in this strange place.

Then I saw Tess approaching us through the crowd.

"Well about time." I glared at her.

"I'm so sorry Emm, well not really. I'm hooking up with this really hot man tonight. And looks like you found someone too." She winked at Justin and he winked back.

I just ignored that and asked her to call me if anything and hugged. "Damn girl, you scored some fine ass tonight." She said in my ears. But it was loud enough fo Justin to hear because I heard him laugh.

Tessa left. And I was stuck here with Mr Playboy.

"Since your friend had other plans for the night, do you want to get out of here?" He asked.

"I could use some fresh air." I replied and he nodded.

We went to have pizza. At 1 am in the night, we had pizza and then he walked me home. We even exchanged numbers.

Today was eventful, I thought lying on my bed preparing for a good night's sleep.


Justin: If I had a dollar for every time I thought about you I'd have none because you've not left my mind even once. :*

Me: Haha, Go to sleep. It's late. Night Justin.

Justin: Goodnight sweetcheeks :*

Me: Ewwww noooooo.

Justin: Hahahaha. ;P


5 years I've known this guy and he hasn't changed a bit. And I wouldn't even want him to. But we have. We changed from strangers to bestfriends. And I couldn't bare to have that changed.

Me: Wanna meet for lunch at 2?

Justin: I'm already on my way sweetheart. ❤

Me: Awesome. I'll text Tess.

Justin: See you then. ❤

And that's the moment I realised, I was going to miss this. I was going to miss being able to meet my bestfriends everyday.

Over the past 5 years we three have been inseparable. We've been through so much together. Tess' uncountable hookups, Justin's uncountable girlfriends and my uncountable tantrums.

Whatever has come in our way, we've always been there for eachother. I hate this.

I hate having to leave my life behind. They were my life. I hate you Julian Baker. This is all your fault. Why did you have to be such a goddamn jerk.

And that's when I realised, I was crying. But this was only the start. I was starting to wonder how much one heart can take?


A/N: Some insight on Emily and Justin's friendship. I'm going to write more highlights of their friendship in the past 5 years.


Love you - P


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