●Chapter 11●

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"I bet if we dusted her heart for fingerprints, we'd only find yours."
-Rudy Francisco

I think this is the fastest I've ever had a shower. It was monday today and I had work. And a new boss. A new boss who wasn't so happy with me as it is.

Omg I'm so going to get fired today. I know Julian, it pisses him off when people are late. He calls it, "frustatingly unprofessional"

Either of the two things are going to happen today, he's going to fire me or he's going to use this as a great opportunity to humiliate me.

After taking roughly 15 minutes to get ready i decided to go and check if Justin was awake. We decided to drive back home in the night itself since both of us had work today. It was late when we reached so I spend the night at his house.

I opened the door to his room quietly to make sure i wouldn't wake him up.

I saw him sleeping peacefully on the bed with the blankets all thrown on the floor. I mentally laughed. What am I ever going to do with this guy. I decided to just leave a small note saying that I'm leaving for work.

I approached the bedside table where I saw a notebook kept on it. As soon as i bend down to take it something or someone actually pulled me and next thing I know I fall on the bed next to Justin. I interally groan. He's definitely going to make me even more late.

"Goodmorning Emm" Justin says trying to open his eyes and chuckling because he made me fall. Such a kid.

"Justin, I'm already late for work. I have to go. Ju- my boss is going to fire me." I say trying to get up.

"Can't you call in sick?"
He said making a facial expression which was supposed to convince me I think.


"Pleaseeee?" He said making a fake sad face.

"Justin please." I gave him one of my infamous glares. And he let go of my hand.

"Thankyou. I'll call you later." I said getting up.

My phone started ringing, I didn't have to see who it was I already knew so I just picked up. And also at the same time fell down again on the bed with Justin tickling me.

I tried to put the phone next to my ear but I couldn't. I was laughing and moving so much because of this idiot.

"JUSTIN STOP. Oh god hahahaha. Stop stop stoppp otherwise I'll tell Casey all about those five years of fat camp." I knew it. He froze. Casey is Justin's sister. They always kept finding ways to humiliate each other. They were super close though.

"No, you wouldn't dare. You love me too much for that but I'll have mercy on you."

Pfft, as if.


"HELLO!" I almost shouted putting the phone next to my ear.

"Emily Anderson."

Boy he was pissed. Infact, pissed was an understatement.

"You bet your ass its an understatement."

Shit i said that out loud. Awkward.

"I'm sorry sir i was just on my wa-"

"On your way to do what Emily?"

Hold up, was he implying something?

"On my way to work, Sir."

"I want you in my office in 10 minutes. And I should warn you, if you're even a minute late there will be consequences."

*Beep. Beep.*

Who does he think he is? Oh yeah that's right, my boss.

I hate this morning and i hate this feeling. He makes me so damn nervous it's annoying. Why do we have to be the emmotional ones? Why can't I forget him. This is so unfair. WHY GOD WHY!

Well atleast this means I still have my job, I think.


A/N: Omg you guysssssss! 779 viewssssss! HOLY MOLY.
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