●Chapter 9●

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"No words can explain, the way I'm missing you." - Sam Smith.

3 hours later we arrived at a place, a beautiful place might I add. Justin knew I loved the water. There were a series of cabins right besides the water.

Where we staying in a cabin today? Hmm well this could be fun.

Justin and I got out of the car and he motioned me to follow him.
Yep, I was right. Here we were, standing outside the door of one of the cabins and Justin was unlocking the door.

"Come on in Emm"

Glady, I really needed to get away.

"We are going to be spending the day here, let's give you a tour of this shall we."

I simply nodded and followed him.

The cabin was beautiful alright, its so weird how something looking so rusty from outside can be so beautiful inside.

Appearances can be deceptive.

"So do you have plans for the day or we should go about and decide."

"Chill up a bit, you don't always need a plan for everything Emm. They don't work anyways."

Omg where have I heard that before? Yeah that's right. Julian fučking Baker.

"But I do have a plan for today m'lady." He said with one of his cheeky grins.

"Fill me up."

"Right away? I thought it would take a bit of wooing and a couple of drinks for you to say that but hey I'm not complaining." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Dude seriously, you're like a brother." I didn't mean that but who said I couldn't have fun saying it.

"What the actual fùck Emily." Ah, there comes my full name. His face had drained all color. Gotcha!

I started laughing.

"This isn't funny Emm."

"Oh this is very funny Justin."

"Please tellme you're kidding" He said looking at me very seriously.

"Awww yes I was babe."

"I like you calling me that." He said sincerely looking me in the eyes.

"What?" okay this was weird now.

"Gotcha!" He started laughing.

"So lame."

"You are."

Oh god he's such a kid sometimes. But I still love him. I just looked at him and smiled only to realise he was already smiling at me.



"So what are we doing next?" I said sipping my coffee. Which I made btw. I make the best coffees. Just saying.

"We're going swimming. And yes I know I didn't tell you before but don't worry I already got you a swimsuit."

"That's sweet. But how did you know my size?"

"I just did, come on Emm don't ask so many questions." He said throwing the swimsuit at me.

I kept my mug down and looked at the swimsuit. Seriously Justin?

I gave him a look an he just shrugged.

"You know I'm not wearing this, it's just, it's not me." It hardly covered any of my lady bits, literally.

"Okay no problem even if I spend an hour choosing which one would do you justice. It's fine, you can make it up to me by not wearing it or anything." He said with a smirk which could be mistaken as a mischievous grin.

What has gotten into this man lately. But then, whom m I kidding? When was his head out of the gutter anyways.

"No can do mister." I said.

He just made a fake sad face. But I still fell for it.


"Fine I'll wear this." He immediately started smiling so hard I couldn't help myself from smiling.

My idiot little bestfriend. Well the little part isn't right. He might be effing 6 foot.


It had been almost 2 hours in the water. It was fun for lack of a better word. It literally felt like I was a 10 year old again. I was happy and also hungry so I decided to get out of the water to get something from the table snacks and other things we had prepared.

I grabbed a small bar of chocolate and after finishing it started heading towards the water.

Where did Justin go?

"Justin?" I called out and the next moment I was up in the air held by large arms and we were going towards the water fast.

Oh this was not going to be good.

He splashed me in the water! That cheeky little bastard.

Ad soon as I got above water level I saw him laughing.

Oh he was going to hell for this. I could not pick him up but I could pull him down. Well not technically.

Let's play a little game bestfriend.

I swam towards him, he wasn't standing so far. And as I started going closer and closer his expression kept on changing. By the look on his face he knew something was going inside my head. Oh but he didn't.

I was now standing really close to him, and I went more close and whispered in his ear, "That was so sexy" I said trying to sound seductive.
The look on his face. He was stunned.

I started touching his chest and making circles everywhere.

"Remember what you said earlier about wearing nothing?" He couldn't speak so he just nodded.

"I might be up for it" I said making his eyes go wide.

"Really Emm?" He said placing his hands on my butt and slightly pressing it.

"Aha, yes well only on one condition babe." yes I was using the babe card now. Well he grabbed my ass so.

"What is it, anything for you babe." He said looking me in the eye.

"You go first." I said, launching my final bullet.

"Ofcourse" He said as if that was the simplest thing to do. Boy we'll see about that hahah.

He removed his boxers and I grabbed them real fast and ran out of the water before he even realised what had happened.

"Not a good day to go commando ha? I said turning back to see his rather infuriated face.

"Emily you get back right here." He said as if he could do anything if I didn't. Well yes after he came out of the water and gave a free show to everyone else on the beach.

The next few mins went by me teasing him and he really getting irritated second by second.

At last I finally gave it to him after making him apologise for throwing me in the water.

"Paybacks a bitch." was all he said after getting out of the water.

"Someone's angry, and hard." I said looking down at his really visible hard on.

"You wanna play this game. Fine. Let's go back inside for round 2."

This was going to be fun, or not.
But atleast it kept my mind off of him , or not.

A/N- Please vote and comment if you're enjoying it so far. -P

It Was Always YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin