●Chapter 12●

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"Maybe it's time to let him go. Find someone who truly appreciates you. That person is out there." I wanted to believe her. I really did.
-Summer Felix

10 minutes? Is he out of his mind. It is impossible to reach work in 10 minutes and he probably knows that. Nevertheless I have to leave right away. I put my phone inside my purse and headed downstairs.

Justin was sitting on the couch busy in his phone.

"Justin I have to rush to work right now. I'll call you later alright?"

He just shrugged his shoulders. Okay I don't have time for this. What has gotten into him anyway. I'll call him at lunchtime and find out.

20 minutes later I was waiting for the elevator. I knew I was going to be late but this whole thing was scaring the shit outta me. After standing for a good 2 minutes which literally felt like forever the elevator arrived and people started coming out taking their own sweet time. Oh what the hell.

I was standing outside his office and my insides were freaking out. I had no idea what was going to happen. I took a deep breathe and knocked on his door.

A pair of hazel eyes opened the door and I was captured in the beauty of them. I can never get over this. His eyes held so much in them. It was one of the things I loved about him. He had one THE most expressive eyes humankind ever possesed.

What the hell Emily? Where you just checking your bosses eyes out? He's not your lover anymore, remember?.

How could I forget. Ofcourse not.

"You're late Miss Anderson" His voice is more manly now, but it can still makes me edgy. Ah god I hope this is quick.

I thought about play it cool and maybe manipulate him into thinking it was impossible to reach in 10 minutes, which it was and so it's not really my fault.

"You know the traffic."

"I don't want to hear all that. Come on in."

Well atleast he's not taking me over his knee.

Not that i wouldn't like that.

Oh god no!

"I told you if you're late there will be consequences."

"Did you now?"

"Miss Anderson." It's so weird that even with such a calm and cool posterior you could feel how agitated his insides were.

Okay maybe playing it cool was a bad idea.

"Okay so what is my punishment?"

Okay that didn't sound like I thought it would. Wait did I almost see his lips curving into a smile?

"This weekend, you'll be working. With me."

"But Sir I-"

"You may leave now."

Arrogant son of a bìtch.

"No I will not leave. You knew it was impossible for me to reach here in bloody 10 minutes. And weekends are supposed to be for relaxing. This is not fair."

"It's your punishment. It's not supposed to be fair."

He is right. But I'm still going to hold my ground.

"You wouldn't take the one day I get to myself. Please?"

"Oh but I just did."

"You're not making this any easier."

"And you're making it really hard for me to not take you over my knees right at this moment. So if you'll stop wasting my time over this stupid argument which makes no sense at all, I would love to go back to work." He said standing up and walking towards me.

What made him angry all of a sudden?

"And I can assure you Miss Anderson that if you continue this behaviour you won't be having any weekends to yourself for a month."

He moved more closer. I could feel his dominating aura. He was staring down at me like he would eat me alive right here right now if I even dared to say another word.

"I'm the boss, I tell you what to do, and you do it." And with that he turned around and so did I.

I could not stand near him any longer. Why does he have to be so rude to me. You know what, Forget it. He does all of this because he wants a reaction out of me. Well, now he's not going to get any. I shut the door loud enough for him to know that I was pissed too. And I would be lying if I said it didn't make me feel better.

I went to my cabin and threw my purse on the floor with anger.

"Woah, someone had a rough morning." Tessa said walking in.

"You think? My ex is my boss. He's rude as fūck. He's annoying and arrogant. He thinks he's some superpersonality around here who can order everyone around and tell them what to do. I mean sure he's my boss and all. But he can't just take away my weekends over something so so so damn stupid." I ranted out. I was so frustated.

"You can take my coffee, you need it more than I do." She said. Reason number 3669 why I have the worlds best bestfriend in the world. Wait that sounds weird. Anyway. I glady took the coffee and she went back to work after we agreed to talk over everything at lunch.

I decided to text Justin if he wanted to have lunch with us.

Me: Want to join me and Tes for lunch?

Justin: Are you sure your "boss" won't be there?

Me: What's that supposed to mean?

Justin: Nothing.

Me: We'll talk about this later. Are coming or not?

Justin: What time?

Me: 2.

Justin: Alright. See you.


A/N: I dont know why really but I think my story is not as interesting as i wanted it to be. I'm not satisfied with this chapter at all. I thought so much before publishing it. Idk what I'm doing or even saying. Feel free to give contructive critisism.


Thankyou for reading! Love you!

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