●Chapter 5●

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"I write because you exist."
                                     - Michael Faudet.

I entered his office and sat on the chair. He came around and took a seat in front of me. "I don't remember telling you to sit Miss Anderson." I quickly got up. And he started laughing. Okay this was quite funny to him.

I just looked at him shocked that he was infact laughing. Why was he in such a good mood suddenly? Hewas laughing like he didn't have a care in the world. Like he was so happy. It made me smile though. Looking at him like this. I must be sick in the head being happy about somebody laughing at my expense. But I couldn't care less. I hadn't seen him laughing since years. Nothing mattered at the moment.

"The look on your face, Emily." My breathe hitched. Did he just call me Emily? Or did I just imagine it? I was happy and shocked at the same time.

"What? Why do you always stare at me like that? Is there something on my face? Is my face painted pink?" He asked rubbing his hands all over his face and inspecting them. Deja vü.

We just looked at each other before he spoke again, "So Miss Anderson," oh so now we're back to that again. Cool.

"As I told you yesterday, I've decided to appoint you as my personal assistant/secretary and as promised the papers are ready. I need you to go through them and let me know if you need something changed or explained."

It was a short agreement and I saw that it was similar to the one I had with my former boss. So we quickly signed because I wanted to get out of this room. I didn't want to be near him at all. 

I handed him the papers and we were both staring at each other now. Almost like having a mental conversation with each other. A third person would have be scared with the amount of intensity with which we were looking at each other.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Julian told her to come in his gaze not leaving mine.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but there's a man named Justin outside and he says he wants to meet Miss Anderson. We tried stopping him but-"

"EMILYYYYY" I saw Justin coming through the door carefully not to knock the lady down. He looked so excited. I started giggling and running towards him.
We hugged so tight. This was one of his things I loved. Hugs. He would give the most warmest and tightest hugs of all time. You know the ones who make you forget everything and drive you to wonderland? Yeah. Justin is my best friend. He is like my buddy. Idk how long I hugged him but I could hear someone clearing their throat and we moved back.

Julian was standing there with his arms crossed, and if looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.

"Miss Anderson, care to introduce?" He asked in his crisp voice. So much authority leaking in it like I didn't have a choice. Somebody's getting jealous. Perfect.

"Oh Mr Baker this is Justin, he's my best friend. We've been together for 4 years now." I said almost making it sound like we were dating. And Justin quickly caught up.

He gave me a look like ke knew what was going on and said, "Hello Mr Baker, its nice to meet you. I hope you don't trouble my girl too much." My girl? Haaaa. Yusss.

"Oh trust me Justin, I intent to trouble her in many ways. But we were having a very important conversation before we were rudely interrupted by you, so if you would excuse us, we've got some work to do." Julian almost sounded like he was one minute away from punching Justin in the head. I want shocked. Julian was a very observant man. He probably saw how close me and Justin were. And he was of the possessive kind.

But does that mean, no that's the stupidest thing.

But then why would he be possesive after all this while?

He's probably showing his arrogant cocky self, the side of him everyone's talking about.

"Oh yeah yeah, you get to work. See you at lunch then? Call me love." Justin said kissing me on my forehead. I almost hummed a tune of victory when I heard Julian groan.

Yay. Me and Justin exchanged a few glances of victory before he exited the room, leaving me and Julian alone. And angry Julian might I add. I'm playing with fire here.

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