●Chapter 14●

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"Words are powerful things. They can break hearts and make panties wet."
- Michael Faudet.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Tess walked in through the door looking all happy. Like seriously? I saw her a while ago and she was normal.

"What happened, how come you're so sunshiny all of a sudden?" I asked her.

"It's ten minutes to 2. Let's leave for lunch. And to answer your question, I'm just super happy because I can finally spent some quality time with you. We haven't had a real conversation since so long!" She said enthusiastically.

"Pfft. Tessa, you've been my bestfriend long enough for me to know when you're hiding something. Come on spill it out." I said grabbing my coat and shutting down my laptop.

"Oh just wait a little will you. I'm already really excited don't make this more difficult for me. I promised Justin that I'd say it to you and him together. Come on move your ass." She said rushing through the door.

"Okayyy." I gave in because I was genuinely tired. I might even ask Julian if I can take a half day. I don't normally do this but I'm exhausted. I mean, I LOVE my job and I'm happy here, I mean ofcourse I was, before my exboyfriend showed up to be my new boss. But things have been so up and down lately and there's so much work pressure. Julian has me working even from home. I get no time to rest or even do something for myself. But I really doubt he's going to let me go. Maybe I should just grab a hot coffee on my way back.

"HELLO?" Someone shouted in front of my face. I looked up to see it was the asshole of a man who was once my boyfriend and now my boss. Jeez. What got into his pants.

"Listen when I'm talking to you Miss Anderson." He said looking at me with those big beautiful hazel eyes.

Damn what the hell is wrong with me.

He's all up here being rude to me and I'm still fangirling over his eyes. Yep, I need to get myself checked.

"MISS ANDERSON." This time his voice was so loud the entire office went even more quiet. I mean, could it be more awkward? Wait I just spoke like Chandler.

"Yes Sir, I'm sorry. What did you say?" Shit that was not the tone I was going for.

For the first few seconds he was just glaring at me and then he continues to glare even more only this time he comes closer. I can literally feel his breath on me and that makes me want to cave in. Why's he gotta be so damn intimidating. But I stand strong and look back into his eyes. Almost. I'm about to give in when Tess saves my ass.

"Mr Baker, me and Tess where just going for lunch at this nearby restaurant, you could join us there and we could discuss the project."

Or not.

"Hold up, which project." By this time both of them were staring at me as if I was the strangest thing on this planet. And then he decides to speak.

"Well you would know if you knew how to listen when spoken to."

The nerve of this man. But then I kept quiet because it was really my fault I wasn't listening. And plus its not like he waited for me to say something, he just walked off. And Tess walked behind me signalling me to follow them.

Wait, I thought she was my bestfriend.

I just want this day to get over. I want to go home and sleep.

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