How can I help? WHA- NO!

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Class 1A group chat:

Mina: Come on! Please!

Katsuki: No.

Denki: But we need help!

Mina: Yea.

Tokoyami: Is he really that good?

Ejiro: You kidding bro? He has one of the best grades.

Momo: And you asking him and not me why?

Jiro: Cause no one understands what you are saying.

Momo: That is not true!

Uraraka: Soo is.

Mina: Mh!

Denki: @Katsuki so you teaching us?

Katsuki: Fuck off.

Denki: But.

Sero: Come on, it's not that bad.

Denki: Yeah.

Mina: Mh!

Mineta: I agree.

Uraraka: I'll join.

Sero: It's stuffy in his room tho.

Tenya: I can let Aizawa-sensei leave us the classroom for an hour more open.

Katsuki: Fucking no!

Aoyama: Why not?

Katsuki: You are all fucking annoying.

Mina: Aww, we love you too!

Katsuki: Fuck off! How many times do I have to say this!

Shoto: A lot more.

Katsuki: Why you shitheads not asking him?

Jiro: Cause he is cold to us.

Katsuki: Your fucking problem not mine.

Mina: But come on!

Denki: Please.

Sero: How about we get you food?

Sato: Free food sounds good.

Shoji: Same here.

Katsuki: I am leaving this shit.

Katsuki went offline

Mina: NOOO!

Denki: Come back here!

Uraraka: Don't think he will.

Denki: Dang it!

Enjiro: Bakubro, nooo.

Momo: I am still up for it.

Sero: Yeah, no thanks.

Momo: Oh come on!

Iida: Should I help?

Urarka: Not with how stiff you are!

Iida: Not that bad.

Uraraka: Mh-mh~ sure whatever you say.

Mina: @ Shoto!

Shoto: My sperm donor is gonna pick me up. You want to be with him?

Denki: I'll pass.

Sero: Wo who else to ask.

Mina: There is none. Let's spam!

Denki: I am in.

Jiro: Sounds fun.

Tokoyami: Count me in!

In a private chat:

Kacchan: ARG! IZU!

IzuBunny: Yes?

Kacchan: My class suck. Why are you not in my class?

IzuBunny: Cause I am quirkless and I can build very well.

Kacchan: I know that. Thanks for the costume again.

IzuBunny: No worries I got your back. What your class doing?

Kacchan: Ping Spamming me.

IzuBunny: Why the hell would they do that?

Kacchan: They suck.

IzuBunny: Kacchan!

Kacchan: Don't Kacchan me! I can literally hear you.

IzuBunny: Oh really?

Kacchan: Yes. You do that all the time.

IzuBunny: Good. Now accept and be nice to them.

Kacchan: Fricking no!

IzuBunny: Why?

Kacchan: You know what?

IzuBunny: No.

Kacchan: You go deal with them!

IzuBunny: What?! 

IzuBunny: No!

IzuBunny: KACCHAN!

Kacchan: Good luck!

IzuBunny: Haha very funny adding a number into a group chat.

IzuBunny: No one even knows me.

Kacchan: You wanted to help me.

IzuBunny: Never said that.

Kacchan: Well now you do.

IzuBunny: You owe me one!

Kacchan: More than one.

The support guy! (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now