No punishment?

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In Class 1A's group chat:

Mina: Thanks for helping us out! @Izuku

Izuku: No problem.

Sero: This shit makes sense now.

Denki: Right!

Jiro: I can't believe this was soo easy.

Uraraka: Well we got a good teacher.

Ejiro: Can you do this again sometimes soon with us?

Izuku: Sure.

Izuku: One moment or I will forget this.

Momo: Hm?

Izuku changed Mineta's name to PervertDoneForIt

Hagakure: You are soo right with this one!

Jiro: Finally someone doing this.

Urarka: But I was banned doing this?!

Uraraka: You serious?!!!

Mina: Not only you.

Tsu: Same here 🐸 

Momo: He is not in our class.

Sero: But in our class group.

Ejiro: Say Bro, what did you even tell Aizawa about what happened?

Momo: Oh he didn't asked.

Izuku: Yeah... cause I got scolded.

Pomeranian: WHAT! WHO! 💥 💥 

Izuku: My own homeroom teacher. He found out about C2o.

Pomeranian: Told you, you were not supposed to do that.

Izuku: BUT!

Tsu: Sorry but what were you supposed to do? 🐸 

Izuku: A support iteem for a hero of choice.

Koda: For who was this build.

Izuku: Ahm....

Koda: I mean you said hero fo choice.

Izuku: It was build with the idea of it being universally.

Uraraka: Pfff.

Pomeranian: The fuck you laughing at round face!

Uraraka: Sorry but support iteem. Can this even be called an iteem?

Ojiro: True that.

Shoji: Should we help you out?

Izuku: NAH! I am fine with this and PL expect it too.

Momo: PL?

Izuku: Power Loader.

Izuku: Besides I am not that worse than Mei cause her inventions blow stuff up. ALWAYS.

Pomeranian: But you go over the top too.

Izuku: Shush!

Pomeranian: Just saying.

Izuku: And I will ignore that as always.

Mina: Wait! You got in touble for that robo dog?

Izuku: More like that running into your neighboring class to get complimnented and then malfunctioning.


Sero 🤣 

Ejiro: LOL 😝 

Uraraka: Oh I would have loved to see their faces 😂 

Mina: Same here.

Jiro: Yeah!

Tokoyami: Totally! 💯 😂 

Shoto: What happened then?

Izuku: Had to get the dog out and the small session ended remember?

Tenya: Thanks again for the one hour.

Shoji: Mineta ran for an hour?

Ojiro: Seems like it. 🤣 

Hagakure: Does anyone have that on tape?

Izuku: I could get my hands on it.

Pomeranian: NO! 

Izuku: Come on! Just once!

Shoto: What he talking about?

Izuku: Hacking!

Momo: Yeah don't get us involved.

Izuku: It ain't that bad tho. But fine. See ya

Izuku went offline

Denki: Is he for real tho.

Shoto: Sounded like that.

The support guy! (Chatfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα