Fun he said!

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In a private chat:

PL: Was this really necessary?

Izu: What you mean?

PL: The chase?

Izu: I got kidnapped!

Izu: I can't do anything for that!

PL: Oh really?

Izu: Yeah!

PL: How about stopping them?

Izu: That is another question.

PL: Yeah thought so.

Izu: What?

Pl: You enjoyed this too much!

Izu: I did not!

PL: I found you being carried by Todoroki laughing your damn ass off!

Izu: Okay I did.

PL: See!

Izu:  👀  I see nothing.

PL: Why did you stop the again?

Izu: Fun? Why else?

PL: How about the big three who are now with RG?

Izu: Only them?

PL: ....

Izu: What?

PL: What you mean onlz them?

Izu: Well I mean...

Izu: You saw Nezu and how he attacked Bakugo.

PL: I did and it is terrific!

Izu: Well...

PL: What did you do?

Izu: Nothing really!

PL: Not buying that!

Izu: Come on teach!

PL: Nope.

Izu: Why not?

PL: Because you are enjoying this too much!

Izu: Soo not.

PL: And what about the drones? 

Izu: What drones?

PL: The ones that recorded everything. Do I seriously have to help your brain out right now?

Izu: Ah yeah they are mine.



Izu: That is my name.

PL: That wasn't funny.

Izu: It was. Lunch Rush would agree.

PL: He would agree to everything that makes his day more entertainment.

Izu: Touche!

PL: Damn it. Why did this even happen?

Izu: I really don't know.

PL: Don't know or don't want to know?

Izu: A bit of both.

PL: What even happened?

Izu: Well Mirio and his gang wanted to invite me over for something and decided to make it a surprise so they kidnapped me.

PL: I seriously have to talk with their teach. They are not in their right mind.

Izu: As if me and Mei were.

PL: 🙄 You said that not me. 

Izu: 👀 

PL: Anyways, the support lab class is up again. Don't destroy it this time.


PL: Yeah.. you with your inventions and Mei touching them.

Izu: NOT ME!

PL: Just be careful this time.

Izu: Sure.

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