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Class 1A girls chat:

Momo: Why are we here?

Mina: Who made this group chat.

Tsu: Finally! 🐸

Izuku: Hello, ahm the culptrit would be me. 

Momo: Hey!

Hagakure: Hi.

Jiro: Yo!

Izuku: I need your help girl.

Mina: Uhh what we doing?

Izuku: I want to make a bracelet for Uraraka with quirk surpression abilites but what you think about the design? What should I go for?

Momo: Keep it simple.

Jiro: A nice stone.

Tsu: Silver would be nice 🐸

Mina: Maybe a bit thicker instead of just a chain?

Hagakure: How about these bracelets from china, like what is it called again...

Tsu: Jade bracelets?🐸

Hagakure: Exactly.

Momo: Sounds good.

Jiro: Yeah.

Izuku: Okay thanks girls!

Momo: Anytime! 

Jiro: Should we add her into the group now?

Izuku give me some time and I'll do it.

Mina: Kay.

Tsu: She will like this 🐸

Hagakure: Anything that doesn't make her float off will do.

Jiro: Yeah.

Momo: True.

*time skip brought to you by Izuku tinkering around*

Izuku added Uraraka into the group chat


Tsu: That's our girl! 🐸

Jiro: Yeah.

Mina: Same thought tho!

Momo: Sounds good.

Izuku: Hate to break it but I am here too and not a girl.

Hagakure: You count as one of us!

Tsu: Yeah 🐸

Izuku: The hell what?

Uraraka: You renamed that pervert!

Izuku: Ohhhh.... 

Izuku: Whelp anyways. Uraraka, I got your bracelet done. Please come and get it from the support course.


Uraraka: It's pretty! 🤩🤩🤩😍 Thanks soo much!

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Uraraka: It's pretty! 🤩🤩🤩😍 Thanks soo much!

Izuku: NO problem.

Uraraka: Finally can sleep in peace.

Momo: Yeah who will believe that.

Uraraka: At least I am not like Tokoyami.

Izuku: Oh spill it.

Mina: Not really anything to spill. That bird is creepy as fuck in the night.

Tsu: You think so too! 🐸

Izuku: What he do?

Jiro: Better question. What doesn't he do.

Izuku: Damn.

Mina: Some cult shit as far as I know.

Izuku: Alright sounds sus.

Hagakure: He is more than sus. I saw him offering a bird to something.

Tsu: He has a shrine in his room. 🐸

Momo: He asked me if he can have blood in his room once.

Izuku: Ewwww!

Momo: Right. So we stopped questioning him long, long time ago.

Izuku: Got it. 

Izuku: No more asking.

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