Let's go to WAR!

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In teacher staff chat:

Chaos: Sooo I can't find Thirteen anymore. I swaer she was there but now I don't know anymore. 

VladKing: What you mean she is gone?

Chaos: Well exactly what I mean.

Snipe: We got a bigger problem right now.

Mic: That would be?

Midnight: Ahm I think I can guess what it is.

Mic: How come?

Snipe: She is in the teachers office with me right now and we have someone from class 1A here.

Chaos: Nooo way!

Chaos: I won't let this go on!

Chaos: Not Zawa.

PowerLoader: Would you also be like this if it were for me?

Mic: Someone jealous?

Chaos: YES!

Chaos: You are my teach!

PowerLoader: My heart... it's melting. Thank you Izuku.

Mic: Aww how about me?

Midnight: Or me?

Chaos: I don't know you guys that well like Zawa and PowerLaoder.

Mic: True.

Mi9dnight: Still hurts.

Chaos: Anyways if you excuse me now.

Chaos went offline.

PowerLoader: You are not going in this alone my student.

Snipe: Someone is proud here.

Midnight: Considering that he was scared as well a moment ago....

Mic: Well Nem would you let your student go if Izu would be yours?

Midnight: Nope.

Mic: Same here so no wonder.

PowerLoader: WHO'S WITH ME?

Midnight: ME!

Mic: Count me in!

PowerLoader: WE GO TO WAR!

HoundDog went online

HoundDog: What nonesense is this?


HoundDog: I didn't had the time to back read. What is going on?

Mic: We go and hunt Nezu down before he hunts us down.

Midnight: He has Aizawa and Izuku just went to get him.


PowerLoader went offline.

HoundDog: You seriously think you can do something?

Mic: We can't just stay and leave the kid on his own. We are heroes.

Midnight: YEAH!

HoundDog: Yes but you should RG and me for this shit. We still have a bit of powers.

Snipe: Would you do something?

HoundDog: Where did you come from now?

Snipe: Been here from the beginning but like watching this.

HoundDog: And you didn't think of stopping that kid or anyone?

Snipe: ....

HoundDog: I am calling RG.

HoundDog went offline.

Snipe: Good luck you all!

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