Midoriya Who?

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UA staff group chat:

Aizawa: get your stupid junk away from my class.

Mic: Who you talking to Sho?

Midnight: What junk?

Aizawa that robotic thing.

Vlad King: So it went after your class too. Nice to know.

PowerLoader: Damn IZUKU! I told him not to fucking do this.

Aizawa: Midoriya?

Midnight: Apparenlty a child worse than Mei who makes everything explode.

AllMight: Can someone explain why Shoto is carrying a robotic dog together with Bakugo?

Snipe: Huh?

Thirteen: I thought they hate each other.

Snipe: Same.

PowerLoader: They are what?

Cementoss: I agree on that. It looks weird seeing them cooperate together.

Mic: And I always thought, Sho, your class is weird.

Thirteen: 😂  You know nothing. Did you ever visit the first year support course of this year?

Mic: I am teaching them english, so yes.

Thirteen: How did you never notice that green haired fluff head? I mean he basically already knows everything we teach him and to top that off, did you see the scatched he makes?

Mic: Oh that kid.

PowerLoader: That's Izuku Midoriya.

PowerLoader: What sketches? 🧐

Thirteen: He once gave me his assignment and on the back of it was an improvement on my own hero costume.

PowerLoader: I swear that child can never stay put.

Midnight: Oh that sweet child. I did get a full hero analysis from him once on my quirk too. It was way too detailed.

Mic: Really?

Midnight: Yeah, he was proposing to switch materials of my costume so it would feel better to my skin and not irritate it. He is a sweet and caring child.

VladKing: I am soo happy I don't have him.

Aizawa: not another one. get him away from my class. they are trouble enough.

AllMight: I don't see why they shouldn't interact Aizawa. I mean a good support engineer is also great for a hero.

Aizawa: you deal with them then.

Aizawa went offline

AllMight: I don't have anything against that. What can go wrong?

PowerLoader: Everything.

VladKing: Seriously.

PowerLoader: Yes. You never know what he is thinking.

PowerLoader: I better check on him because these students are for sure bringing it to him.

Thirteen: Need help?

PowerLoader: Nah, I'll text him. He always reacts to pings.

Cementoss: That's good right?

PowerLoader: Yes especially if he invents some crazy shit!

PowerLoader: Why are they even carrying such a thing?

AllMight: Mineta got attacked by it earlier.

Midnight: He deserve it.

AllMight: Can't say he doesn't.

VladKing: Good that it's over.

PowerLoader: No... it's far from over if he gets his hands on it again.

PowerLoader went offline

Thirteen: That doesn't sound good.

Snipe: We are herores, what can he invent that will threaten us?

Snipe: He is a kid after all.

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