Question of where?

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Class 1A group chat:

Pomeranian: Where is that damn Caterpillar?

RagdollCatMuch: Anyone saw Aizawa?

Tenya: Why are you searching for him?

Sero: Why else?

Mina: Yeah it obvious at this point.

Denki: Izuku.

Ejiro: 100%!

Tenya: Yes but what has Aizawa-sensei to do with that?

RagdollCatMuch: He called us over to help.

Uraraka: Now I am curious.

Mina: Our ship is sailing.

Pomeranian: Shut it!

RagdollCatMuch: As I said he called us over to test something but before we arrived we saw Aizawa running away with him.

Pomeranian: Now where is that old undeveloped broken butterfly.

Aoyama: He went towards RG's office mon amie.

Hagakure: On to the rescue.

Koda: Wait! Why would Aizawa even take someone from another class?

Ojiro: Isn't it obvious?

Sato: Yeah!

Mina: ✨Dadzawa✨ Mode activated!

Hagakure: And we all know that is true.

Momo: Wait! But seriously why?

Denki: You don't think he is in trouble because of us?

Ejiro: That could be it bro!

Sero: SHIT!

Sero went offline

Mina: Did that duck tape boy aka spider wanna be ditch us?

Denki: Seems like it.

Uraraka: I still can't believe that Bakugo or Todoroki are still online.

Pomeranian: Because we fucking can't find him!

Aoyama: Ajoooo! Did anyone tried pinging Izuku?

RagdollCatMuch: @Izuku

Pomeranian: As if that will fucking help!

Tenjya: Calm down everyone.

Momo: Let's split up and search for them.

Hagakure: But what do we do if we find them?

Tokoyami: Repoer back?

Momo: Yes.

Momo: Not as if we could attack Aizawa-sensei anyways.

Pomeranian: fuck this shit. I'll do that if he has Izuku!

RagdollCatMuch: Same here.

Pomeranian went offline

Uraraka: You can't win this.

Denki: You sure about that?

Mina: I mean it's the devil so dah!

Denki: Yeah but 20 against 1?

PervertDoneForIt: Count me fucking out of this.

PervertDoneForIt: That lonatic doesn't belong here.

Hagakure: Kick!

Mina: Please!

Momo: NO! You know as well as me that this group is for emergency so we can contact everyone.

Tokoyami: Is it really?

Tenya: Create for that yes what we do otherwise meh.

Uraraka: Hey you getting better on not being a stiff robot. Congrats!

PervertDoneForIt: Found him!

Momo: Don't do something stupid.

PervertDoneForIt went offline

Momo: And there he goes offline....

Tenya: Let's catch up and find them.

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