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big three group chat:

TwirlyOne: @Support.

ShyOne: We should let him be.

SlipperyOne: Agree on that.

TwirlyOne: But we have to tell him.

ShyOne: Is this why you pinged him?

SlipperyOne: Oh yeah we do.

TwirlyOne: YES!

ShyOne: In that case, you are fine.

SlipperyOne: Why do we have to ping him and don't go down to the support class?

TwirlyOne: As far as I know, he is currently at the doorm.

ShyOne: Why?

SlipperyOne: Why? 

TwirlyOne: Nezu is homeschooling him till they think he has enough rest.

TwirlyOne: Remember he did collapse because of the rest.

ShyOne: I thought he caught a flue.

TwirlyOne: That is what RG is telling everyone but I heard her and Hound Dog talking and she said he was overworked and his imune system took a troll on it.

ShyOne: Ahm... he will be able to read this.

Support is online

Support: Not only will be able but is able and will do that.

SlipperyOne: Izu, why didn't you tell us?

ShyOne: We can work on our own.

Support: Because I thought I can handle it.

TwirlyOne: No, you need help and you have soo many people to help you out.

Support: Yes but I love helping people.

SlipperyOne: That is fine.

ShyOne: Mh!

TwirlyOne: But let us help you about time management then.

ShyOne: Most of the times we can take care of ourselves. We been doing this for 2 years now.

SlipperyOne: Not only that but we also can handle class 1A our juniors!

TwirlyOne: Leave them to us.

Support: Thanks guys.

TwirlyOne: No problem.

ShyOne: Thank you for all the updates you did on our costume.

SlipperyOne: Love them all.

TwirlyOne: You are the best.

Support: Glad you like them.

Support: I also got some new ideas.

ShyOne: Stop.

TwirlyOne: He is right, they are perfect and we don't need more.

Support: But there is room for improvement.

SlipperyOne: Which don't have to be immediate.

Support: I get it.

Support: I suck with time management and I would do everything in a day...

Support: I just get bored easily.

SlipperyOne: There are other things you can do.

TwirlyOne: And you have us to take care of you.

The support guy! (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now