Lunch entertainment

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the teachers staff group:

Snipe: Why is Aizawa running with a student around?

Cementoss: Better question not his class student.

PowerLoader: The fuck... which student did he take?

VladKing: Haha funny that you are asking.

PowerLoader: Oh for fucks sake no.

Thirteen: I would love to know why tho.

HoundDog: Nezu.

RecoveryGirl: Yeah Nezu.

Midnight: I thought he gonna join the group chat.

Mic: Yeah.

Snipe: Same here.

PowerLoader: No.

Thirteen: Why not? He is sweet.

PowerLoader: You want a kid who basically managed to get a hero out of commission because of their invention into this chat with Nezu? Are you insane?

HoundDog: Let me rephrase that.

HoundDog: Are zou fucking mental?!

Thirteen: Good point.

RecoveryGirl: By the way class 1A is also looking for your student Power Loader.

PowerLoader: I am sarting to regret taking him into my class.

Mic: What you talking about he is a genius.

Midnight: Yeah.

PowerLoader: But all the trouble.

Snipe: Okay, I am confused. Why is class 1A looking for him and why is Aizawa running away with that kid.

Thirteen: It's not running away but fighitng his class by now.

PowerLoader: Where are they? Ama go get my kid.

Snipe: They were around my class but Aizawa ran off.

Mic: Oh yeah cause they are around cafeteria now.

LunchRush: I second that. I can see them fight and it is entertaining.

Thirteen: Oh hey! You basically never talk. How are you?

LunchRush: Busy and that's the reason I don't talk.

Cementoss: But.being online is fine.

LunchRush: Look, a cook needs some form of entertainment while the food is getting ready too.

Cementoss: 24/7... yeah right...

LunchRush: Anyways, class 1A is actually winning the fight. Never though ama see fire and ice in my kitchen at the same time.

VladKing: So he finally used his fire side.

AllMight: And that for a kid who got his father in hospital.

Midnight: Yeah.. we all know how much he hates his father so I think that cute munchkin is for sure his savior...

Mic: Agree.

LunchRush: Whelp PowerLoader just came in and got them all to stop. Too bad it was getting good by now.

Thirteen: How many where up against Aizawa?

LunchRush: Todoroki, Bakugo and Sero.

Cementoss: You know their names?

LunchRush: And prefered food of everyone, yes. Got a problem with that?

Cementoss: Nope, in fact respect.

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