Motivation in the wrong place

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Big three group chat:

TwirlyOne: Did you hear the news?

SlipperOne: What news?

ShyOne: Please tell me we are not in trouble.

TwirlyOne: Why should we?

ShyOne: Because you sometimes do stupid shit.

SlipperyOne: Let me correct that it's not somteimes but often.

TwirlyOne: You are not better.

Support: Agreee.

SliperryOne: Never said I was.

Support: Now I am currious, what's the news?

TwirlyOne: Is it true that you will teach class 1B?

Support: Not decided yet.

TwirlyOne: Then what about heroes and them being bad.

Support: Where did you get that from?

SlipperyOne: I heard that as well.

Support: Class 1A told you, didn't they?

TwirlyOne: No, I listened to someone saying that.

ShyOne: Wasn't it Thirteen?

SlipperyOne: I heard it from Cementoss.

TwirlyOne: I got it from Snipe.

Support: Well I am a bit pesimistish on their so called heroic deeds.

TwirlyOne: Why?

Support: Collateral Damage.

Support: High Crime rate.

Support: Also the fact that they do nothing for society.

Suport: Do I have to gon?

TwirlyOne: No but not all of them are like this.

ShyOne: Agree. We won't be like this.

Support: Oh I know that, since you know the consequences.

SlipperyOne: Getting replaced by a robot like the second number hero Endeavor...

ShyOne: Oh that is a bad one.

TwirlyOne: I don't wanna be replaced.

Support: Then do your job correctly.

SlipperyOne: I heard a lot about the hero commission but it is a first to be threatened by a support course student.

Support: Who can make even Nezu scared. Yes?

TwirlyOne: Mirio, you will land six feet under if you continue.

Support: Oh no he will just ✨ Magically DiSaPpEaR ✨ 

ShyOne: This is worse.

TwirlyOne: Whelp, guess we gotta be better.

Support: Yup, I know you all have it in yourself!

Support: PLUS ULTRA!

SlipperyOne: This kinda is making me motivated.

TwirlyOne: Same here! I will not mistreat the trust he placed in us.

ShyOne: Same.

SlipperyOne: Alright! Let's meet up for training.

TwirlyOne: YES!

ShyOne: Okay.

Support: I can't. I am doing some renewing of RG's equipment. Apparently something broke down and Power Loader gave it in my care.

SlipperyOne: It's fine.

TwirlyOne: We got this.

ShyOne: You showed us enough help.

Support: Okay... whelp see ya then.

SlipperyOne: Bye.

TwirlyOne: See ya.

ShyOne: Bye.

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