A bit weird...what is going on?

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Teachers chat:

Thirteen: Anyone see that right now?

Midnight: What?

Thirteen: Izuku just grabbed Nezu and ran.

Aizawa: What?

PowerLoader: SAY WHAT?

Thirteen: Yeah.

Snipe: Oh gosh.

Cementoss: The world is gonna end.

Thirteen: No joke.

Midnight: Where?

Aizawa: What happened?

PowerLaoder: He is still my student not yours.

Aizawa: My problem child.

PowerLoader: He has a loving mother.

Aizawa: But not father.

Mic: Sho you gonna stand me up or something?

Aizawa: No but gonna adopt him harlf way.

Mic: Is that even possible?

Midnight: With Nezu around for sure.

PowerLoader: Hands of him.

VladKing: MY LORD!

VladKing: Why is Midoriya running with Nezu around his shoulder like a potato sack?

Thirteen: That's what I am saying!

Snipe: Are they being chased?

VladKing: No.

PowerLoader: At least something.

PowerLoader: Where are they heading.

VladKing: Forest area.

PowerLoader: That man!

PowerLoader went offline

Midnight: Something I don't know about?

Cementoss: There is a small house there.

Midnight: Really?

Mic: What for?

Thirteen: Is it where Nezu lives?

Cementoss: No, Nezu lives in the upper floor of UA.

Thirteen: Totally forgot that.

Snipe: So what it for?

Cementoss: It is a lab as far as I know.

Snipe: Oh shit.

VladKing: Let me guess Midoriya's lab?

Aizawa: *sigh* I am going there.

Cementoss: Don't bother. There is a security system which would fry you immediately.

Thirteen: Oh damn.

Midnight: But PowerLoader just went.

Cementoss: He set the security system up so he should be fine.

Mic: You think?

VladKing: Whelp one less annoying teacher.

AllMight went online

Thirteen: Speeking of annoyance.

Mic: What's up Toshi?

AllMight: I got Bakugo busting into the teacher office. He is searching for a Midoriya.


Snipe: Even he knows more than us.

VladKing: Maybe Midoriya ran because of BAkugo?

AllMight: Can someone tell me who that is?

Midnight: You really don't have it with names.

AllMight: Nope.

Midnight: A kid from the support course which is with Nezu and PowerLoader.

AllMight: Alright, ama explain to him that. Thanks.

AllMight went offline

Thirteen: Not gonna lie. This is a bit weird.

VladKing: You think

Cementoss: Oh really Sherlock.

Mid: What we do?

Midnight: Nothing. Let's just enjoy this.

Snipe: As if we could do anything anyways.

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