It doesn't work this way?!

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Teacher Staff Group:

Clover: Why are you recommending me everywhere?

Thirteen: Aww I knew this nickname is way cuter!

Midnight: It is cute.

HoundDog: You get recommended?

Clover: @Aizawa.

Clover: Why?

Aizawa: He needed someone.

Clover: And you recommend me?

VladKing: Would do the same after knowing what you did to class 1A.

Clover: Don't tell me you did that to your class too?

VladKing: Not yet. They are not wroth it.

Clover: Thank god!

HoundDog: But I did.

Clover: To who?!

HoundDog: Mirio.

Clover: Mirio who?

Thirteen: Big 3 people?

Clover: OHHH them.

Clover: I thought someone else recommended me.

Cementoss: Who knows.

Clover: ... I get the feeling you all did this.

Midnight: Maybe.

Mic: NEM! SH!

Midnight: Come on, he can hack.

Cementoss: Still din't give it away!

Midnight: Oh well what happened happened!

Clover: Anyways, what's up with the mental quirk not bein in hero class?

VladKing: Ahm...

Mic: You see...

HoundDog: The entrance exam is created for flashy quirks.

Clover: Why not change it?

HoundDog: Actually we tried.

Clover: And?

HoundDog: @Nezu!

Clover: Nezu?

Nezu: Yes, I blieve I was summoned.

Clover: Why are the mental quirks not getting into hero class?

Nezu: Because the hero commission doesn't let me change our entrance exam.

Clover: I thought you could do what you want.

Cementoss: No one goes against hero commission.

Snipe: Agree.

Clover: But Nezu, you sure had enough blackmailing materials so why not?

Nezu: You think I didn't try?

HoundDog: Wait you did?

Thirteen: Why didn't anything change then?

Ectoplasm: Good question.

VladKing: I want to know the answere too.

Nezu: It is quite simple. They had the power to close the whole school down and UA was the only school who wanted to change the concept of entrance exam which are unified in concept for all hero schools.

Clover: Soo you mean to tell me that the only reason is ebcause the other schools are stupid?

Nezu: Yes.

Snipe: Why not threaten them then?

VladKing: Too many?

Mic: Does this even work this way?

Clover: How else?

Nezu: Unfortunatelly not.

Clover: Dang it.

Nezu: This is why we have a sport festival to give these kids a chance as well. Call it a loophole I found.

Clover: I get. 

Mic: Same and thanks for picking Shinso up.

Clover: No problem. His quirk is really interresting anyways.

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