Who should we ask?

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big three group chat:

TwirlyOne: so you guys found him?

ShyOne: No.

SlipperyOne: Not in class and not on the floor as well as others.

TwirlyOne: What do we do now?

ShyOne: Interrogate class 1A.

SlipperyOne: I am for that. They must have done something stupid.

TwirlyOne: Maybe ask a teacher?

SlipperyOne: Who you wanna ask?

ShyOne: Aizawa?

TwirlyOne: You crazy?!

ShyOne: No, why?

TwirlyOne: He would beat our asses for even bothering him.

SlipperyOne: Or just sigh and tell us to get lost.

ShyOne: Then what about Thirteen?

SlipperyOne: Does she even know about him?

TwirlyOne: They should have a group chat, no?

SlipperyOne: Maybe that was wht he was looking earlier?

TwirlyOne: Okay what then about Power Loader?

TwirlyOne: You can't tell me he doesn't know about Izu. He is his teacher.

ShyOne: Thing is... will he tell you about him or not?

SlipperyOne: Why not"

TwirlyOne: Yeah why not?

ShyOne: After what we did and class 1A... I wonder if anyone will tell us anything about Izu.

TwirlyOne: We aren't that bad.

ShyOne: We also kidnapped him, we made him teach us on a daily basis instead of weekly.

SlipperyOne: Is that soo wrong?

TwirlyOne: Yeah he has quite the good training methods.

ShyOne: But he is staying up more.

ShyOne: Did no one thought about how he is sacrificing his sleep because of us?

SlipperyOne: Wait what?

TwirlyOne: We gonna reduce our training sessions for sure after this.

SlipperyOne: Agree.

ShyOne: Then again we did get also yelled at for things we nearly were about to do but got caught.

SlipperyOne: Not our fault!

TwirlyOne: Kinda is our fault.

SlipperyOne: Pssht!

TwirlyOne: Fine fine. Not our fault.

ShyOne: Yeah totally not 🙄

SlipperyOne: 😆

TwirlyOne: 🤣

ShyOne: So what we do?

SlipperyOne: We ask NEZU!

TwirlyOne: 🤦🏽‍♀️

ShyOne: 😅 You sure have a death wish.

SlipperyOne: No no I mean it. He will know the best what is up.

TwirlyOne: Ama ask RG, she always know.

ShyOne: Good idea.

SlippyOne: Mine isn't that bad either.

ShyOne: Sure.

TwirlyOne: 😂

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