Protecting Squad!

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In a small group chat:

Bakugo: Why the fuck am I here?

Shoto: With you?

Sero: It's just us.

Bakugo: Why?

Sero: Because Midoriya Protection squad!

Shoto: I am in.

Bakugo: The fuck did you say?

Sero: Backread.

Bakugo: I know but why the fuck you think he needs one if he has me?

Shoto: Or me?

Sero: Because as you saw, I can help too and I owe him.

Bakugo: When?

Bakugo: Where?

Sero: My new costume.

Shoto: Looks the same.

Sero: But it's not. Midoriya did that and I went to him after class asking him something about a thing that was bothering me on mine. He told me way to improve and yeah... I owe him.

Bakugo: Oh no...

Shoto: What's with you now?

Bakugo: He gonna do this to the whole class bit by bit. FUCK!

Shoto: O.O

Shoto: I'll be still better in protecting him then you. 

Bakugo: The fuck?!

Sero: Both of you calm down!

Bakugo: NO!

Shoto: NO!

Sero: Fine then anyone know how bad it is with Nezu?

Shoto: I don't think it's bad.

Bakugo: Fucking mental!

Shoto: Again, don't think it that bad.

Bakugo: For once he is right. Izu can fend for himself with that rat. 

Sero: What we do with Aizawa then?

Shoto: Get rid of him.

Bakugo: Sociopath!

Shoto: Psychopath!

Bakugo: Maniac!

Shoto: Terrorist.


Bakugo: What you fucking want to do with Aizawa?

Shoto: Protect him I guess.

Bakugo: Power Loader is the bigger problem.

Sero: Why would you say that?

Bakugo: Because!

Bakugo: It obvious. He ain't in our but his class.

Sero: Wait. Does it mean he is getting in trouble?

Bakugo: Exactly.

Shoto: Why?

Bakugo: His mecha's.

Shoto: Oh.

Sero: But they are cool.

Bakugo: And killer machines.

Sero: Still cool.

Bakugo: I am out. This is getting to dumb.

Bakugo went offline

Sero: Guess it's up to us to protect him then.

Shoto: Count yourself out. He doesn't need anyone else than me.

Sero: You an idiot.

Shoto: Likewise.

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