A new beginning

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Big three group chat:

SlipperyOne added Support to the group chat.

Support: Where is this and who is this?

TwirlyOne: Shouldn't we ask this of you?

Support: I was added in here so no.

SlipperyOne: I added you.

Support: Who is I?

SlipperyOne: Mirio.

Support: Doesn't ring a bell.

TwirlyOne: The big three?

Support: Still doesn't ring a bell.

ShyOne: We are Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado and I am Tamaki Amajiki.

Support: Should I know you?

TwirlyOne: You got the wrong number!

ShyOne: What if he isn't even in UA?

Support: I am part of UA and in the support course.

TwirlyOne: At least you did something right.

SlipperyOne: Okay, okay, I might have gotten the wrong number.

Support: Who are you looking for?

TwirlyOne: A guy who created mechs and is really popular among the hero courses.

ShyOne: Mid.. something.

TwirlyOne: You're never good with names.

ShyOne: I know. That's why I don't even try.

SlipperyOne: Midoriya. We are looking for him.

Support: Why?

SlipperyOne: All Might suggested that kid.

Support: For what reasons?

TwirlyOne: Do you even know that kid?

Support: I do.

SlipperyOne: First of training since class 1A is getting really really good. 

ShyOne: You just pissed they nearly got you.

TwirlyOne: But you as well.

ShyOne: Yeah but I don't care about it.

TwirlyOne: Ah yeah, I forgtot about it. You don't like competing.

ShyOne: Exactly.

Support: So you looking for the guy only cause of that?

TwirlyOne: Yup.

SlipperyOne: Yes.

Support: Whelp, you got the right guy. I am Izuku Midoriya.

TwirlyOne: ....

SlipperyOne: ....

ShyOne: Ahm... 

Support: Anyways, how can I help?

TwirlyOne: Help us improof!

Support: Have to see what you can do first.

SlipperyOne: Okay then meet us at ground beta, we will show you what we got.

Support: Aham, I have my own classes and they are longer then hero courses. Or did you forget that I am support course?

SlipperyOne: I. Sorry.

Support: Just send a video about how you fight each other. That is enough.

TwirlyOne: Cool.

ShyOne: Thank you again for helping us out.

Support: No problems.

The support guy! (Chatfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن