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In class 1A group chat:

Izuku: Did anyone see C2o?

Mina Who's that?

Pomeranian: His freaking robo dog.

Izuku: 🤖 🐕  I lost my dog.

Uraraka: Do you want us to help find it?

Izuku: Would appreciate the help. Bye the way, I changed a bit in the SW and he went haywire on me.

Ejiro: SW?

Sero: Haywire?

Tokoyami: Robots will conquer the world!

Izuku: Well I kinda messed up a part and I was trying to fix it... but he started to dash and attack me.

Pomeranian: You good?

Shoto: A carying Pomeranian. Not something you see everyday.

Pomeranian: SHUT UP TWO FACED!

Momo: Here they go again.

Shoto: What did you call me, all I could see was a wuff!

Pomeranian: You fucking idiot, you need some damn glasses or a new brain?

Izuku: Is this usually like this?

Jiro: It can get worse.

Shoto: Oh at least my brain doesn't tell me to kill civilians.

Pomeranian: But huge daddy issues!

Uraraka: They are competitive to say it in a kind way.

Izuku: You mean they hate each other...

Koda: Yeah...

PervertDoneForIt went online

PervertDoneForIt: Get your stupid fucking dog!

Izuku: Aww... It don't bite.

PervertDoneForIt: YES IT DOES!

PervertDoneForIt went offline

Denki: Found it!

Izuku: Sike! Leave it!

Momo: 😳

Hagakure: We never saw anything.🙈

Jiro: Never heard of anything.🙉

Uraraka: And never spoke of anything.🙊

Tsu: 🐒 🐸

Shoji: That's the girls for you!

Izuku: ... I think I will need to contact my homeroom teacher because of that.

Tenya: Aizawa dealt with it.

Izuku: Wait, it's dead now?

Ejiro: Yeah, sorry bro.


Izuku 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Izuku: Whelp, can you get me the body, I can upgrade and fix C2o.

Tokoyami: Revelry in the dark!

Izuku: That means?

Tokoyami: Yes.

Jiro: It's in our dorm living room.

Uraraka: Oh that was the commotion going on downstairs.

Pomeranian: Fucking idiot!

Shoto: So you can you program that thing to go after a hero too?

Izuku: Sure, why not?



Tenya: NO! You are not gonna send that thing to your father.

Izuku: Endeavor?

Shoto: Yes, that is my sperm donor.

Izuku: Consider it done cause I have a grudge against him.

Shoto: I owe you one.

Pomeranian: Be prepared to stay in his debt forever.

Shoto: ... -_- ... if that means getting rid of a nuisance then so be it.

Izuku: WOW there! I can't kill a hero... just get him out of commission.

Shoto: That's enough.

Shoto: Thank you!

The support guy! (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now