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Teachers Staff Group:

PowerLoader: @Aizawa, get your fucking class members away from my house.

Aizawa: What is wrong now?

PowerLoader: Todoroki came over yesterday at 11 and insisted on staying. Now I have Bakugo here in the morning as Tokoyami who came over 2 hours ago too.

Mic: Hate to say it but Sero, Yaoyoroyu and Uraraka are also missing at todays class.

PowerLoader: How do they even know my address?

Midnight: Probably Izuku telling them.

Aizawa: I am going to retrive them.

RecoveryGirl: You better! He needs rest.

Nezu: I agree on that one.

Aizawa: -_-

Mic: The world is going under!

Thirteen: Run!

Thirteen: Run as fast as you can.

Snipe: What's happening in here?

Midnight: Sho used a smiley.

Snipe: Oh god, the world is going down.

HoundDog: You are all exaggerating much.

Snipe: Something is wrong with him.

Midnight: Wanna go check him out?

Aizawa: I am to tired for this.

PowerLoader: And what should I say?

Nezu: I could have taken him in.

RecoveryGirl: With you around, he wouldn't have rested at all.

Nezu: That is not true.

RecoveryGirl: Oh really?

Nezu: Indeed. I would have made sure he wouldn't get as bored as to hack into the UA system.

PowerLoader: He did what?

Cementoss: What did he do?

Nezu: Just marking his friends as being here so they don't get trouble.

Aizawa: They soo will.

Nezu: I am still impressed about his skills.

Midnight: Come to think of it. Why isn't he online?

PowerLoader: They are all sleeping in the guest room on the floor.

Thirteen: PIC!

Midnight: PIC!

Mic: PIC!

Snipe: Pic!

HoundDog: Show us.

RecoveryGirl: I agree.

PowerLoader attached a piture in the group chat.

PowerLoader: Happy now?

Midnight: He is soo cute.

Mic: They are soo cute.

PowerLoader: They are loud and annoying when they wake up.

Aizawa: Relatable...

HoundDog: Leave them be for today.

PowerLoader: I don't think they will get out of my house for the week.

Nezu: I'll compensate you for that.

Ecoplasm: If it is something about Midoriya, you will compensate them or do something.... you are showing favouritism.

Nezu: I am all for it and I won't deny that.

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