25. 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔

978 61 1

" That you.... "

Taehyung nuzzles his head in her neck and closes his eyes. He feels tired and all his energy is gone. He's feeling cold but he ignores it because his focus is on her words right now.

Yuna sense how much he is burning and she quickly comes to her senses. She quickly backs off and looks at him

" Oh, God! "

She cups his face " You're burning.." she mumbles and quickly gets up, holding his hand.

" Idiot! You need to rest "

She drags him to his bed and quickly covers him with the duvet and makes sure to cover him properly.

" I'll make some soup for you, okay "
Taehyung nods as Yuna leaves the room


It was midnight. The beautiful moon has already appeared in the sky and a person was laying on his bed admiring the other piece of moon beside him.

It was Taehyung admiring his Wife.

Taehyung is awake now and his fever is almost gone. The first thing he see after getting up was a tired figure sitting beside him, Yuna.

He scans her figure and looks at her face again. He sighs deeply. He never means to make her work like this for him. He notices how uncomfortable she looks while resting herself against the bed rest. One of her hands was resting on his shoulder.

He slowly gets up, trying his best not to wake up the fragile human being beside him. He smiles and looks at her. He is satisfied that finally, he can build up some feelings in her heart. He chuckles silently by remembering how she panicked when she got to know how sick he was.

Taehyung gently holds her hand which was resting on his shoulder some seconds ago.

He looks at her closely and leaves a peck on her hand. He can't sleep now. He gets off his bed carefully and desired to take a shower to freshen himself up. After a warm shower, he makes his way toward the balcony. The weather is much pleasant today for him to enjoy it. Unknowingly, a smile isn't leaving his face. He takes a deep breath, the cool breeze is playing with his hair. The smell of wet soil is soothing his nose.

Everything is going well for now. Taehyung is feeling satisfied but there is a weird fear. There are some things he can't tell Yuna right now. He is surprised that she didn't ask him about his family yet. He doesn't want to remember anything either.

" You're awake "

Taehyung gets distracted by a familiar voice. He nods and smiles at Yuna who was now standing next to him.

" It's feeling good, right?"
Yuna says as she looks at the starry sky

" Yeah... "

Her gaze lands on Taehyung. His voice seems so soothing. Her gaze isn't leaving his face. She looks into his eyes. They were twinkling.

' Yes, that's you, You're my universe '

Taehyung voice resounded in her head while she is busy looking at his godly features

Universe... huh...

She thinks. They both want to say something to each other but both end up being quiet. At the moment they both just want to get comfort just by being beside each other.

" Uh... Taehyung "

" Yeah "

Both look at the same scene of the sky in front of them.

" you once told me you loved a girl and you still do but she never noticed your feelings towards her "

Taehyung shifts his gaze and looks at her and the same goes for Yuna.

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