Chapter 14

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Indian Ocean. Present Day.

"Ghost Rider, this is Strike. We have unknown aircraft. lnbound, Mustang. Your vector, 090 for bogey." Came over the radio as Rooster and I were on a regular patrol on deployment.

"Talk to me, Sunshine." Rooster prompted as we flew over the ocean, looking for the bogey we had been warned about.

"Roger, I got him. Contact, 20 left at 30 miles. Nine-hundred knots closure." I reported out with focus on the radar in front of me.

"Yankee, you hear that?" Rooster called over the radio to the other pilot in the air with us.

"Roger." Yankee replied back to us.

"Blade, you got him?" Yankee asked back to his WSO.

"Roger, I've got radar contact." Blade replied.

"I'll get a visual ID. Yankee, you hook him." Rooster gave out instructions for how to deal with the situation we were presented with.

"Roger, and I'll clean him and fry him." I added my own roll in the plan with a proud laugh of amusement which made Rooster smile as he sat ahead of me.

"Mustang. Mustang, this is Ghost Rider, 203. I've got him inbound, bogey heading 270. We're at ten miles, 900 knots closure." Yankee reported back to the ship.

"Ghost Rider, take Angels ten left, 30."

"Blade, see if he's a single." Yankee ordered his back seater as our jets flew together to find the bogey.


"Sunshine, you see a trailer?" Blade called over to us.

"Negative, Blade." I shook my head, glancing over. "Looks like he's a single." I confirmed on my radar.

"Uh Yankee, I'm gonna go head-to-head with him." Rooster claimed and I sighed.

"Take it easy, Rooster. I don't like this shit." Yankee replied in warning.

"You and me both" I muttered from the backseat.

"Come on, you love this" Rooster teased from his seat.

"Enough messing around you two. I'm gonna break high and right, see if he's really alone." Yankee said, breaking off from us.

"We've got 1,000 knots closure, Roos." I warned, watching my radar carefully. "He's coming right at us."

"Okay, buddy, what's on your mind?" Rooster asked, referring his question to the bogey pilot coming face to face with us. "Holy shit, there's two of them." Rooster cursed out as we narrowly missed them by banking right.

"Woah MiG-28s. No one's been this close before." I looked back at them in awe after the close call.

"Don't get distracted nerd" Rooster teased.

"Im focused, its called multitasking" I claimed, focusing back on the radar.

"Yankee, you've got MiG one. I'm going after MiG two." Rooster gave out instructions now that we really knew what we were dealing with.

"I lost him in the sun. Shit. What's he doing?" Yankee struggled as hey flew up to find the jet. "You got him, Blade?"

"He's coming around. He's coming around on our tail." Blade warned with panic filling his voice.

"God damn it. This bogey's all over me." Yankee panicked as well.

"Air speed, 300. Go get him, Roos." I urged.

"I'm going for missile lock. Let's see if we can scare this guy out of here." Rooster explained his idea, following the bogey jet in front of us. "Come on, lock up, baby. Lock up, baby. Lock up." Rooster prayed as he flipped a switch.

Sunshine (Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x OC)Where stories live. Discover now