Twilight, meet Anya

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Twilight is quickly inspecting the apartment, jumping from one spot to another as the housing agent speaks. "This is one of our single-family apartments. The unit comes furnished, includes central air conditioning and heating, and... um, sir?" The man slows down as he sees that Twilight is not paying attention.

No wiretaps detected, and there are securable escape routes.

"I'll take it," Twilight says with a smile, and the agent lights up at this. "Excellent, Mr. Forger. Now, if you'd sign these documents..."

Loid Forger. Occupation: psychiatrist. That's my new life. With a family I love and a happy home life... 

"How nice that you and your family are moving into a new home. Do you have girls, boys, or perhaps both?" The agent asks curiously. "Ah, well. I'll be deciding on that soon." Loid confesses, confusing the agent.

What an absolute burden for a spy.

Later that day, Loid knock on the door with cracked glass poorly tapped together.

First is the youngest. Teenagers are often difficult to take in. Rebellion, sarcasm, there are many things that they go through at that age. Luckily, Franky is doing a thorough search for someone perfect for the operation.

The doors open to show a man clearly drunk by the redness of his face. "Huh? You wanna adopt?" The man rudely asks with a hiccup.

"Indeed. I heard your orphanage was looking for candidates. You see, my wife and I-"

"Yeah, sure. Take whichever one you want. Come on in."  The drunk interrupts and leads Loid in.

Loid looks around to see kids staring in awe at the spy.

What a terrible environment. But the shadier the establishment, the more likely these children have complicated pasts, so it'll be easier to change their story. I can make this mission work if I have two children. I would have preferred to handle it all on my own, but I can't exactly disguise myself by either of those ages, no matter how skilled a spy I am.

A girl reaches out for a stuffed chimera but flinches at the word spy as if she could hear the thought herself. Loid stops and speaks up. "Pardon me. If possible, I'd like a child who can read and write." The drunk turns to Loid, an excited glint in his eyes. "Well, in that case..." He hums and leads Loid to a pink-haired girl holding the chimera plush. "This is Anya. She's the smartest one we've got. She don't talk much, but she's a good kid."

She's a creepy, disgusting little brat. I'd be thrilled to get her outta my hair.

"Go on. Say hello." The drunk tells Anya. Anya gets up and keeps her eyes on Loid as he walks into the room.

The earliest age students can enter Eden College is six. She definitely looks no older than four or five.

"Six," Anya announces. surprising Loid. "I'm six." She affirms. "You're six years old?" The drunk asks, not recalling her age.

But she's so small...

Anya stands on her toes to appear taller before going to a nearby table that has a newspaper on it.

Hm? The paper?

Anya holds out the paper to show what she's gonna do and places it back on the table.

A crossword puzzle? That's probably too difficult for a child.

Loid walks over to watch the girl, leaning close to read properly.

Of course, for myself, it's mere child's play. One down is homeostasis. One across is casual closure. The one below that is symplectomorphism.

Anya soon sets her pencil down and shows it to Loid with bright eyes.

Spy x family (reader insert)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ