In our own little world

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In Anya's class, a teacher is scraping the white calk in his hand onto the board to make math problems. He soon writes out a problem with an unsolved solution. "What is the answer to this problem? Anya Forger?" He calls out to the pinkette sitting in the front.

The girl places her hands on the table and stands up with a smug smirk. "Three-thirds." She says with assurance. All the kids are shocked by the confidence she put into her answer, but the teacher stares blankly. "...That's wrong." The response makes the girl fall back on her seat in defeat.

In another classroom, a teacher is reading out a book, asking kids to interpret some parts now and then to make sure that they're listening. "Miss Forger, what do you think Ethan means when he denied doing the crime but will not confess his alibi?"

Y/n speaks up without much thought. "He probably has done something that he doesn't want others to learn about." The teacher nods with a smile on her face. "Very good." She praises as some students smile while others grumble, to which the teacher snaps at them.

Meanwhile, with Loid, he's at an outdoor café, conversing with another agent. "So, how are things going, Twilight?" It's revealed to be the same woman who scolded the man about the finances. "How are your daughters doing with their academics? HQ was estimating that they'd be able to receive eight Stella in four months. Earlier regarding your eldest earned one before classes even started."

Loid set his cup on its plate, his hand shaking badly, it's surprising not a drop spilled out.


The man hides his feelings regarding the situation and interlocks his fingers, placing his elbows on the table. "Not a problem." The woman sees this right away. "I see... that your ability to lie has diminished." The woman remarks, but Loid is deep in thought.

I'm confident that Anya will be able to get eight Tonitrus Bolts in two months, though. Y/n has potential, but relying on only her is risky. Something could happen to her as well.

"By the way..." Handler goes on, a grim look on her face. "Our informant within city hall was compromised this morning. The enemy is stepping up their game. Be on your guard Twilight. I shouldn't have to say this about being in the city, but be at Eden College or elsewhere, you never know where eyes will be watching you. We'll see to it our little vigilante is safe as well. This country's counter-intelligence is quite tough.

In the city hall, a group of aggressive soldiers march down the hall with all the workers watching with their nerves all over. They soon arrive at a man working at his desk. He flinches when he sees the men towering over him with scowls. "H-how can I help you, gentlemen?"

The man pulls out a card and holds it up. "We're with the State Security Services. You're Jim Hayward, are you not? We're taking you in on suspicion of being a spy." Dread fills the office worker, and it shows in his voice. "A-a spy?! What are you talking about?!" The other two soldiers get behind the man and forcefully pull him to his feet. "Stop that! Unhand me at once-"

"We'll hear what you have to say back at the office." The officer says as they walk the suspect out in front of many people who are watching fearfully. One of the girls turns out to be Camilla's friend and retells the whole thing to her friends. "That's totally what happened this morning! I was so scared!"

Sharon takes a drag off her cigarette. "The guy they took from finance was apparently leaking documents from this office." Yor goes nervous at this. "Oh, he must be terrible." 

Camilla walks into the room, yawning in her hand. Her hair was the same as before... or at least the women thought. In reality, she bought a wig to wait for her hair to grow a moderate length and act like she got a cut. "Mornin'" She greets the girls, to which Yor greets back immediately with a bow.

Camilla glances at Yor and speaks up. "Oh, by the way, Yor, my boyfriend told me something about your marriage and kids. You haven't even told your younger brother yet?"

Yor panics about this. "Oh, you're right! I'd completely forgotten!" Sharon raises a brow. "Uh, you forgot? For a whole year?" Yor looks at her friends worriedly. "WH-what shall I do?" Camilla continues. "He said he'll be calling you here later." This sends Yor in a spiral.

That's right. I haven't given him the number for my new place yet. I was so relieved our marriage went through that I blanked on everything else!

Millie has an idea and asks Yor right away. "Say... is your younger brother a hottie?" Yor loosens up and takes out a picture. "Aw, he's a total cutie!" Sharon takes a look at it. "Yes, Yuri is quite adorable."

Yor speaks up again. "He would always call me Sis and refused to leave my side." Millie grimaces. "Yikes, so he's obsessed with his sister. Pass." Camilla hums at this. "If your brother looks up to you so much, isn't it kinda mean to forget to tell him that?"

With Anya, Loid, and y/n, the three of them shiver, anxiety overcoming them but no knowledge of what the reason might be.

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