The first day of class

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"So, that's why I couldn't get it! The difference in fonts can confuse someone like me." Dante admits, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, making the girl giggle. "Well, maybe you can make a rhyme or a simple saying that's easy to remember to help you with your work," Angel suggests and y/n lights up. "Oh, I love making those things for me, it's fun to think how silly you can make them!" Angel raises a brow. "Make them silly?"

She stops her tangent and immediately blushes. No one knew that, and she had no idea if other people tend to do it. She was having fun she didn't know she'd reveal something she did.

Sure, it wasn't as bad as her superhero secret, but it was embarrassing enough to cause her to go warm from the neck up.

As y/n prepares to be laughed at, Dante smiles. "I like this idea! Could take off some of the pressure of tests. And the sillier it is, the more memorable it'll be." This makes y/n sigh, but her eye twitched from the nervousness she was experiencing.

As y/n, Angel, and Dante enter the classroom, a boy with blonde hair and green eyes rushes over to him. "Good morning, my lord and ladies," Dante smirks and bumps fists with the boy. "Aedin, happy to see you." The blonde nods and bows to the girls. "I am the first son of the Vandricks, Aedin. A pleasure to meet you."

Y/n nods. "It's nice to meet you, as well. I look forward to getting to know more about you." She then looks over at her friend and sees a slight blush on her face and her eyes shining brightly as she's looking right at Aedin.

Does she...

The teacher walks in, a stern-looking woman with her brown hair tightly wrapped in a bun along with sharp, thin glasses in front of her brown eyes. "Everyone, please get to your seats, we have much work to do and I will not tolerate any behavior that is distracting to the lesson."

With speed, all the teens scramble to their seats, not wanting to get in trouble on the first day of school

With Anya...

The pinkette and her new friend look around the classroom, both of them nervous. "You know..." Becky speaks up, making note of how the kids are avoiding the bottom middle seats where the two are sitting.

A girl in the back points at Anya. "That's the girl who got violent, right?" Another girl tenses up. "How scary! So barbaric." Another girl whispers, Is the girl next to them another delinquent?

A boy stares at her. "She just hit him out of nowhere without a reason, right? That's nuts." Without warning, Anya hears all the kids around her thoughts.

I don't want to be in the same class as her.

What if she hits me, too?

I can't believe she came to school. Talk about pain.

Anya lowers her head in shame. 

School is scary.

Becky sighs as she looks at the other kids with a bored look. "People are so shallow. They can only judge what's on the surface." Anya recognizes that talk from older people and she thinks of something. "Are you a smart person, Rich Girl?"

Becky is bashful at the question. "Aw, I wouldn't say that. And call me Becky, not rich girl."

The teacher of the class walks in, his eyes on the students. "All right, be seated." Becky ignores him and smiles at Anya. "I hope we become the best of friends. I'm the only one who knows how good you are, Anya." Her cheeks turn red at the happiness she is feeling.

Honestly, people like that are just... We'd better stay away from them.

School is scary, but I think it might be okay.

Becky remembers something and pulls out a pen she got. "Hey, look! Isn't this cute?" Anya smiles at it and agrees.

In the back of the room, Damian and his goons glare at the girls. "Why don't you give them a piece of your mind, Lord Damian?" The boy does not respond and places and holds a hand on his cheek. 

That's right. My name is Damian Desmond. As one of the sons of a prestigious family, I was born into a life of privilege. No one has ever defied me before. I've never been hit by my older brothers. And yet...

After a few times, the teacher calls his name for roll call, and he answers with grit teeth, "Here." His eyes then go over to Anya in a glaring manner.

This is the first time I've had to deal with such... with such... with such...

Anya flinches when she feels Damian's glare and her eyes shoot over to him. Damian lightens his glare and looks at the front of the classroom, resting his chin on his hand. Anya slowly looks back at the teacher as the roll call is over and the first lesson starts.

In math class, the teacher has drawn the Pythagoras theorem on the board as he speaks. "This is the starting line for all of you who worked so hard to get into this school...As you can see in this example when this and this are like this... and that's why this turns out like this, and this is... this."

As the teacher goes on, Anya begins to nod off, the teacher's dull voice lulling her to sleep. "So you get this answer by doing this... and if you get this answer, you can use the same method to get the answer over here."

The teacher notices this and gets angry. 

She had the nerve to fall asleep in the first period on her first day. Is she actually a delinquent? How scary.

As the teacher walks out, Becky tries to shake her friend awake. "Anya! We have science class next. Wake up!" Anya slowly wakes up and she panics. "Third son! I have to apologize to the third son."

Becky raises a brow. "Third son? Do you mean Damian? He already left. And just leave that loser alone." Becky is fIrm but Anya is still determined as she gathers her things and walks out. "But peace will be in trouble if I don't apologize to the third son." She then rushes out with Becky close behind.


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