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We all smile at the wonderful sight of the town below us, feeling the breeze lift our hair a bit. The little park is so peaceful that no one walking behind us talks too loudly. As Anya and I sit on the fence, Mom gently holds my hand as Dad has an arm around Anya's back looping over to her stomach to make sure that she doesn't fall.

"The people look like bits of trash from up here," Anya notes and we all look at her in confusion. "Where did you get that from?" Dad asks, to which Anya answers, "My cartoons."

With a nod, Dad looks back at the view. "I had no idea there was a park like this on the outskirts of town." Y/n hums and speaks up. "It may not seem like it, but this place has a lot of hidden beauties. This being one that only a few people know."  

Mom turns to us and swaps her hand holding mine. "I don't come here that often either, but I wander over here when I'm exhausted from work." She then looks back down. "Thinking about the work I do helps everyone in this city out and encourages me to work harder."

Mom snaps out of her daze and spins toward us. "Oh, this. the place must be awfully boring! I'm terribly sorry!" She rushes out but Anya smiles. "I like this place better than crowded places!" She says, slowly kicking her feet.

I nod at this. "Certainly. A place with just people you can talk freely to is better than being a lot of people you don't know." I explain and Mom smiles. "How wonderful!"

Dad stays quiet and I look to see his line of sight on a group of boys chatting with each other while petting a sleeping feline. As I smile at the happy scene, I notice two suspicious men approaching an elder woman. As I inspect the scene closer, the two men bolt one takes the woman's purse and the other steals her clothed cart, making the woman fall.

As the woman cries for help, Dad mutters, "That old lady should've been more careful." But I ignore his words.

3rd POV

Suddenly, Yor bolts down to the scene, shouting, "You won't get away with this!" As Loid backs up, he grabs Anya. "Come on, y/n. We need to go after-" Loid stops speaking once he realizes that the eldest child is also gone, making him panic more. "Y/n?! Dammit, where did she go?"

Yor reaches the alleyway behind the building and looks around, making a sound of frustration.

I lost track of them!

At this, Yor turns tail and goes back to see if the fallen woman is alright.

Over with Yor, she reaches the woman. "Are you all right, ma'am? Are you hurt?" She asks, leaning down and helping her up. "I'm fine, just a few scratches." The woman says with a smile. 

Yor remains determined and holds up her fists. "I promise I'll catch them for you, and I'll take you to the hospital later!" The woman smiles wider and tilts her head. "Why, thank you." She says softly, but her smile falls when Yor looks behind her.

I left Loid and the girls behind!

Loid runs down a few stairs and soon reaches to an overlook of a walkway with many people. Loid grips the fence as he inspects the crowd. 

He blended in with the crowd. I'm sorry, Yor, but you probably won't be able to find him now. Either way, I need to find y/n. I don't know if she's safe or not.

Anya reads her dad's mind before looking to the crowd, tapping in on their minds in hopes to find something to help the man. With so many voices in her mind, Anya becomes overwhelmed, and it shows on her face.

Loid notices Anya's tired look and takes out a handkerchief. "Hey, this again?" He asks, cleaning his daughter's nose. As Anya is woozy, she hears a voice from someone in the bustle.

Man, that old crone was loaded. Mike must have got some good stuff from that basket.

Anya looks to see a man in a suit looking through a wallet in his hand with a smug smile. Anya looks at her dad. "Papa!" She yells, surprising Loid. "Whoa, what?" He asks.

Anya points to a store as she proclaims, "I wanna eat cake!" Loid sweat drops at this and looks at the store. "We just left the restaurant..." He starts but trails off when he notices the man.

He's... he changed his clothes but it's not so easy to change the way you walk. Don't think you'll get away from me.

"Loid!" Yor calls out, catching the man's attention. "Mama's here!" Anya shouts as Loid places the pinkette down and takes off his hat. "Yor, look after Anya for me." He orders before putting his hat on Anya and running off.

We'll be able to have plenty of fun for a while with this much. First, we're going to treat ourselves to the finest meal and-

The thief's thoughts were interrupted when Loid jumps up and lands on the man's back, pinning him to the ground. The man looks at Loid's cold face, feeling shivers run down his spine. 

"A filthy swine like you and your friend deserves nothing more than the foulest meal," Loid says and the guy faints. The crowd murmurs in confusion as Loid stands up and straightens my suit.

A spy must not bring attention to himself.

Loid quickly picks up the purse and points to the man. "Pardon me. This fellow is a purse snatcher, so please call the police and hand him over. I think it's best to mention he has a partner as well." He explains and runs off. A thud and some yelps cause Loid to turn around and see the other man laying by his partner, also unconscious. "This is the other one," Y/n says and catches up to her father, who stares at y/n with amazement... and something else.

Later that day, the woman is furiously shaking Yor's hand. "Thank you for escorting me all the way here. I had money to get my grandchild a gift in my purse, and I had many expensive things I just bought in my basket. Thank you so much. You were a big help."

"Oh, um actually..." Yor starts and holds a hand out to Loid and y/n. "The ones who got them back were my husband and eldest daughter." She explains cheerfully.

Loid looks to the ground bashfully. "No, if you two didn't go after them, I wouldn't have followed suit." He says as the woman approaches the two and shakes their hands in the same furious manner. "Thank you so much, what a fine gentleman and the young lady you two are." She laughs happily.

A hero who cast no shadow, the great deeds you and your fellow agents do shall never see the light of day.

I guess... receiving thanks every once in a while, wouldn't hurt.

Always warms my heart to see people I help smiling

Papa and Sissy are softies.

"Thank you, Yor," Loid says, gabbing his wife's attention. "Today was a nice change of pace." He continues and places a hand on y/n's head. "And you have been a big help with everything, from doing your part in the interview to helping out taking that bad guy all by yourself! Now, because of you two, I'll be able to work hard again!"

Loid then looks Yor in the eyes and Yor stares back, both of them blushing. As the daughters look between their parents, Anya speaks up. "Papa and Mama are flirting."

Mom and Dad snap out of each other's gaze and angrily shout at Anya, "No we are not!" Y/n laughs at this, a wide smile plastered on her face. Anya ignores the change in emotion and speaks again. "Does Anya get a thank you, too?" 

Loid hums at this. "Well, I guess we did find the thief because you were hungry again. Good girl."

The woman chuckles under her breath, smiling at them. My, what a lovely family you are." She remarks, making the family look at her as she approaches them. She holds something out to Anya and y/n. "Here's some candy for you, dearies." She tells them, making the girls light up and says thank you.

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