Tests, tests, and more tests

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We all wait in line, watching as each member of the school talk to each family. "We'll confirm you admission numbers here." We soon reach the front of the line. Dad takes out two cards and hold them out.

I see they're wasting no time in the screening.

The man inspects the ticket "K-212. Please head to Hall 1." With a nod, we make our way to the hall. Dad puts his hat back on. "We're still being observed. Don't let your guard down."

"It's so nerve-racking being watched like this..." Mom states, worriedly looking around. "I need to pick my nose." Anya states, making Dad frown. "Absolutely not."

"Oh, no!" A shout grabs our attention, and we look to see a child who appears to be a student stuck in the gutter on the side of the path. "I've accidentally fallen into the gutter, and I can't get out!"

Uh, that's too blatant if they're trying to test us. Perhaps they're thinking he might be a threat, but no one is trying to go near him. But if he is part of the test, we must deal with this accordingly.

Dad taps Anya's back and she takes a breath. She points at the boy. "Papa, Mama, Sissy! There is someone who need our help, please! Let us save him!"

Dad and I approach the boy. "Are you all right, young man?" Dad asks, and the boy cries out more. I bed down and inspect the situation. "Father, we should turn him to the side before pulling him out.  If we pull him out like this, we could hurt him badly."

3rd POV

That's right. You're heading to an interview. You wouldn't dare sully your clothes with sewage. Now, how will you elegantly get through-

The housemaster stops his train of thought as he sees the eldest daughter get close to the flailing boy, taking his hands. Once secured, she slowly turns his body to face her, not flinching as the dirty water splash onto her clothes. Once done, she backs up, allowing Loid to step into the sewage, flinging the boy out of the drain.

The boy is steady on the ground and Loid leans to his level. "Are you hurt?" He asks, and Anya holds out a piece of cloth. "Use my hanky, please." Y/n joins in. "Make sure you go to the infirmary, just in case.

The Housemaster sighs. 

Clearly, I expected too much.

He turns around and goes to leave.

In the end, they were just some commoners from the countryside. DO not think for a second that you can set foot in our house of learning wearing soiled clothes.

"Throw K-212 out immediately." The man orders, tapping his cane to the ground with each step.

With the family, the boy nervously plays with his hands. 

Oh, no... these people are going to fail because of me.

He looks up to the family and stutters. "Um, I-I'm so sorr-" Yor speaks up, not realizing the boy was talking to them. "Thank goodness we anticipated this, and prepared a change of clothes just in case!"

Y/n nods, buttoning up the jacket of her (Grey/black) suit. The Housemaster is shocked by this. 

Who in the world would ever anticipate that?!

Yor giggles. "Besides, these suits seem to fit the attire at this school." Loid chuckles. "If I had continued wearing my previous suit, we would've been mistaken for commoners from the countryside, and besides." Loid places a hand on y/n's head. "I think it's a wonderful idea for y/n to wear a suit, she not only looks wonderful, but she is a representative that ladies these days can wear suits." This makes y/n blush at the compliment. Loid looks over to the boy. "Thank you for giving us the opportunity to change, young man." The boy stumbles back a bit.

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