Attack on the way home

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As Loid drives Yor home in the slightly beat-up van he was attacked in. "I- I'm so sorry I said I was your husband." He apologizes. Yor shyly looks down at her lap. "Oh, it's alright." She quietly says.

"I'm not sure what to tell your brother if hears of this." Loid worriedly says. Yor's blush increases, and she looks at the father. "Um, Loid... I have a suggestion."

 Loid leans to Yor, interested in what she has to hear before he hears something. A car suddenly rams its' side into Loid's van, making him grunt.

He looks out the side window and sees a beat-up car.

Remnant of the smuggling ring?

"Hang on, Yor!" Loid warns her as he shifts into another gear. He then shoves the car into one side of a road divider and heads into the other side. With wood now separating them, Loid sighs in relief.

How did they know where I was? Did they... leave a tracking device in the art pieces? You've definitely let your guard down, Twilight.

"Who are those people?" Yor asks, clutching a fist to her chest. Loid's eyes widen and he taps his fingers on his steering wheel. "Um, uh... I- it appears some of my patients still haven't recovered from their psychotic episodes."  He quickly comes up with an excuse.

"Being a doctor must be very taxing." Yor nods understandingly.

She actually believed it!

Happy that Loid was able to convince her, Loid continues driving. "In the meantime...  we're making a break for it."

A little later, the smugglers find the van empty. "They've abandoned the van." One of them huffs angrily. The other one holds his gun up. "They're probably hiding nearby. Split up and find them." He orders.

The men break and look around for Loid and Yor. Two of the men reach an alley and use a wooden crate to knock the two of them out. Once done, Loid tosses the crate down and pulls out a pipe from the brick wall. "This way, hurry!" He urges and Yor follows.

"Um... are you sure it's all right for you to hit your patients like that?" Yor concerningly asks. "Um, well... the concussive recovery method is the latest in modern medical practices."

This is FICTION.

"I see." Yor hums and looks ahead of her.

I can't tell if she's actually bright or dumb.

A yell from behind makes the two look behind to see a man pointing a gun at them. Loid swings the pipe and lets go, making the pipe fly into the enemy's face.

 Another enemy jumps from a fire escape of a nearby building and holds a knife to stab Loid. Loid looks up and tenses.

Another one! I can't dodge it!

Before Loid can be harmed, Yor does a swift spin kick on the attacker. The man falls to the ground and rolls into a cement building and then he goes limp.

Loid's eyes are wide in amazement and Yor holds her hands over her mouth in realization. "Oh, no! I'm so sorry an amateur like me helped with the recovery! I happen to be an expert in self-defense. My brother was kind enough to teach me..." She explains.

Loid smiles up at the woman. "Thank you, Yor." Yor's blush increases as the man get up. "That was quite impressive. Did you see how far he went?" He says, making Yor slightly laugh. "I'm sorry. I guess I did send him flying."

"There he is!" Another man with a gun shouts, but before he can open fire, he's suddenly tackled to the ground. Loid and Yor turn to see a familiar and often feared figure punching the man in the jaw. "Mesanychta!" Loid whispers the name in surprise.

This is incredible! How did they find us? Better yet what reason do they have to help us?

These guys are messing up my dad's date! And I have a feeling they're the reason he was late! I'm sure the police would love to have these guys behind bars when I'm done with them!

Loid remembers that Yor is with him, and he grabs her by the hand, leading her away from the fight. "This way!" Yor's mind goes back to the hero, and she wonders. "Is that Mesanychta? I can't believe that they came to help!"

More men go after the two while trying to avoid the very angry hero that's taking them down. "Do whatever you need to do! Make sure they're dead!" One of them barks.

As Loid and Yor take more men down on the way, Yor stares at Loid. "Um, Loid... this may not be the best moment to ask, but will you marry me?" She suddenly asks.

Loid stops and falls to the ground in shock. As he helps himself back up, he looks to Yor. "I'm sorry?!" He asks, thinking he heard wrong. "Er, well, it would extend our agreement... I mean... apparently, I'm considered suspicious just for being single, so it'd be nice camouflage..."

For me to continue my job as an assassin, too.

Yor looks away but continues. "Um, basically... if it's all right with you, maybe we could just stay together, and not just for the interview... for both our sakes.

He's probably the only person who could accept me for who I am right now.

Loid hums and gets back up. "Then let's stop by city hall on our way back to fill out the paperwork." He speaks. "Huh? Right now?!" Yor asks, surprised. "They do say no time like the present," Loid says, holding out his hand. He recalls something. "Oh, that's right." He reaches into his pocket. but he feels neither of the jewelry pieces.  He lifts his pocket to see a hole torn through the fabric.

Oh no! Where did I drop them?

"There he is!" A man shouts and gunfire is pointed at the two. Loid leads Yor away as one shouts, "We have 'em cornered!" Before heading for cover, Loid quickly snatches a grenade from the ground.

"Yor... even in sickness," Loid pulls the pin and tosses the grenade. he then puts the pin through Yor's finger. "Or in sadness... no matter what hardships await us," Loid then grasps Yor's hand, who's awestruck. The grenade goes off but the two don't break eye contact. "let us be there for one another."

Until my mission...

Until my killing... us part.

Later, Loid examines the mess he created but sighs in defeat.

No use. I can't believe that I lost not one, but two valuable pieces of jewelry in battle.

"Um, Loid?" Yor calls out in worry. Loid turns to look at the woman and backs up when he sees Mesanychta standing not too far from them.

With swiftness, the hero gets in front of Loid, making the man scared. The figure holds out their hands and opens it up, revealing the two expensive trinkets he was looking for.

Loid is taken aback by this, but he slowly takes them from the person. "Um, th-thank you." He stutters.

The hero knows and jumps out of sight. Yor watches the hero along with the father and smiles widely. "Wow! Who would've thought we got to meet Mesanychta in person!" She gushes, and Loid silently nods.

Something about them is familiar. Why did I have a sense of Deja-vu when they attacked that guy?

In the morning at Camilla's apartment, a shriek is heard. All over the apartment, Wine is spilled, staining the wooden floor, and the fridge is open, spoiling the food and making a not-so-appealing aroma. Clothes are ripped apart, handbags are stained with many things, and there are valuables ruined. But the thing that made the woman scream is what she's seeing in the mirror.

Camilla pulls back her uneven poorly cut hair, looking at the words BITCH scrawled in staining ink. "What the hell happened?!" She panics.

Spy x family (reader insert)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora