A game of pretend

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Later, Franky is holding Anya with one arm and y/n in her seat and Yor sitting down, still in a drunken state. Anya is in a cute pink dress. Jewels bedazzling her lacing and stitching along with her jeweled necklace of diamonds matching perfectly with her tiara.

Y/n was now in a gorgeous dress/suit. The first layer is a soft bold solid of (second fav color) with trimmings of gold on the edges. The second layer, however, is a gorgeous shade of (First fav color). On the layer, a design of vines climbs all over, each leaf point having a (Fav jewel) pressed on.

Franky, having decided not to change his wear, holds the mic close and does a weird laugh. "Scruffy, scruffy, scruffy scruff! The princesses are mine!" Loid gives Franky a weird look as his friend goes on. "If you want them back, come after me!" When the tram activates and goes up, Anya pleads in a giggling tone. "Save me, Loidman!"

Loid panics and goes to the other tram. "Wait, it's already started?!" One in, there is a note taped on the controls. In perfect handwriting, it says "Please Push!" Along with some squiggly pictures that are most likely from Anya. 

Loid presses the pointed button and stumbles as the tram suddenly goes up. "Hey!" He shouts angrily. Franky's voice pipes from the speakers around. "Loidman! You are about to face many obstacles to get the princesses back!" Loid turns to see the other cart on the other side of the castle "First up, we have a quiz that the princess made up in this courtyard, so listen up! If you can't answer correctly, you'll be putting that on!"

Loid looks to the side and his eyes widen. "This is..." Franky cackles. "You betcha! A Bondman costume set!" Anya smiles wider at this. 

Waku waku!

Loid cringes at the idea and looks back at Franky, who is still talking in a joyous tone. "Okay, question time! What does Princess Anya like about Bondman?!" Loid is taken aback by this. "Huh? His face?" Anya makes an x with her arms. "Bzzz! The fact that he has a pistol with a silencer!"

"What? Really?!" Loid shouts. Franky snickers evilly. "Oh, come on! You're her dad and you don't even know that?" Loid grimaces at this. Franky leans toward y/n. "Next question! What's y/n's favorite book?"

Loid recalls the book the girl reread for weeks and jumps on it. "(Fav book)!" Y/n nods. "Correct!" Franky clicks his tongue. "Tch! Guess that was too easy." He grows more agitated. "Here's the final question! If you get it wrong, you'll be changing into that outfit, Loidman!"

"That's IF I don't get it," Loid says with confidence. Franky leers down at Loid with a frown. "What do your girls want right now?" This makes Loid furrow his brows.

What does she want right now?

While Loid thinks, Franky grows more excited. "Five! Four!" Loid gets angry. "You didn't say anything about a time limit!" This makes Franky cheeky. "I never said there wouldn't be one, either." Loid looks downcast, thinking hard. 

Calm down. What do the girls want right now? What do they want...

Loid lights up in realization and yells into the mic. "Bondman's spy gear and more books of (fav series)!"

Franky snaps his head to the girls. "What's the correct answer, Princesses?!" Anya looks stares at Loid. "Right now... I'm thirsty so I'd like some water, please!" Y/n bashfully scratches her cheek. "All I want right now is to not ruin this outfit. It looks so expensive and I'd feel bad messing it up." 

Franky laughs and points an accusing finger at the man. "Looks like you're wrong, Loidman!" An angry tic shows on Loid's head. "How the hell would I know that?!" Franky ignores the question. "Too bad for you, Loidman!" His face grows dark and malicious. "Now, let's have you keep your word!"

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