Some guilt and vengeance

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That night, the family is in the living room, all heads are hanging low. Y/n was able to be brought back but is holding a look of guilt on her face.

Yeah... we definitely failed.

Yor gets up from her seat and tries to lighten the mood. "I-I'll go make us some tea." Loid does not respond to this.

I've failed yet again as a spy. I let unnecessary feelings get in the way of the mission.

"Papa..." Anya mutters, gaining Loid's attention. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I couldn't do better on my tests." Loid's eyes widen and y/n joins. I am also sorry. I shouldn't have froze up at those questions. It's just..."

It brought back memories that I don't want to remember.

Loid lightly sighs. "It's all right, girls. You have no reason to apologize. You don't want to go to a school like that, do you?"

Anya gets up and goes to grip Loid's pants. "But I want to go to school..." This confuses Loid. "Huh?"

If this mission fails...

Anya whimpers. "I have to go to school or..."

...we won't be together anymore.

"Anya." Loid slowly mutters but gets taken aback by y/n shooting up from her seat. "The other housemasters are kind, it was only Mr. Swan that seemed to be cruel! We can't be giving up after a single steep hill!" Loid looks at the teenager with shrunken eyes of shocked. "Y/n..."

If they fail, of course, our life here together will be... it doesn't matter. I'm just worried how this may affect my work.

Loid hums in thought. "Hmm... but to be honest, hell will freeze over before you pass." Y/n lightly glares. "Don't swore around Anya."

Yor comes back with the tea and sets it down on the coffee table. "I-I'm sure everything will be okay! It'll all work out!"

Anya remembers something. "The grandpa with the glasses and the grandpa with the half-glasses were really nice!" Y/n nods. "I believe they'll vouch for us! We should have faith in them. Dad sighs and looks down at his hands, one of them bandaged up.

Spies don't believe in any one over than themselves. They always expect the worst-case scenarios and prepare for them.

Loid closes his eyes and remember Anya's words. "I want to be with them forever."

But... maybe just a little bit...

Loid sighs once again. "Yes. Let's leave the result to fate and try to recover from how exhausting that exam was." All three girls smile brightly, their eyes glimmering.

Right now, just for a little bit...

The family do a cheer with their teacups. "To our family's bright future!" Something crashes to the ground and Yor looks at it. "Something just fell."

Loid sees what it was and hums. "Our family portrait fell to the floor." Anya stands over it. "It just fell..."

What will become of their missions?

A few hours later, everyone goes off to their room, ready for bed. As Loid, Yor, and Anya all fall asleep in their respective room, y/n is not found. The only thing that gives a clue as to where the girl went, is the window open all the way, the curtains swaying in the night breeze.

Over to the college, a figure runs silently on the roof. Once they reach the end of the roof, they stop, the only thing to help people get a glimpse of them is the street lights.

Mesanychta narrow her eyes once her sight lands on Mr. Swan walking into a building. She allowed herself to chuckle when she sees the man holding a handkerchief to his nose.

Once the man is fully inside the building, she looks down to the window she is above. Luckily, she was able to find a descriptive map of the place and remembers the man's office. With faith and trust, she hops of the tile and land on the sill of the window.

She inspects the window and pulls out a pocketknife. She sticks the blade under the wood and glass, moving it around a bit until she hears a click.

The window easily opens, and the girl slips in. Her eyes glance over to the desk in the office and her eyes squint in a smirk.

Over at home, Loid stands outside the door of the teenager's room, his hand barely touching the doorknob. He sighs and lets his hand fall to his side.

"Maybe tomorrow. I'll take her out and take her to (favorite place). She said something about how she's never been. And what about Anya?" He whispers.

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