The deal

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"Pretend to be your boyfriend?" Loid repeats Yor as the two and his daughters stand outside the shop. Yor stares at the ground as she blushes in embarrassment. "Yes... I fibbed to my younger brother about having a boyfriend." She admits. "If it's not too much trouble, I was hoping you'd accompany me to this party."

Yor then holds up her hands in defense. "Um, I promise I don't have any ulterior motives!" She adds. "Of course, I'll thank you properly, too. I just want to put my brother's mind at ease."

Loid sighs and smiles at Yor. "Very well, I accept." Yor shoots her head to Loid in surprise. "Really?!" She asks.

"But I would like something in return." Loid brings up and explains the situation that he and the girls are in. "So, you see... I'd like you to play the role of their mother during the interview." He finishes. "Their mother?" Yor clarifies.

Loid clenches his fist and furrows his brows. "With the future being so uncertain right now, my only wish is for my girls to get into a good school. It was also the wish of my late of my late wife to get my youngest into one if only I found y/n earlier. I'm sure the two would've loved each other."

Papa is a big liar.

Yor perks up at the last sentence. "I'm sorry, you said you found your oldest. What do you mean?" She asks curiously. "You see, I found y/n without any family not too long ago. I couldn't bear to let such a sweet girl continue living in those conditions. So, I took her in as my own." Loid explains looking at y/n who's looking at the ground shyly.

I still feel like I'm dreaming. He keeps complimenting me even if I don't deserve it. I still need to find a way to pay him back for his kindness.

What a wonderful person. Not only raising his daughter but taking in a teen who has no one to depend on.

I'll have her accept something simple at first, but I'll get her to agree to a formal marriage in the end.

"It will only be one time. Would you be up for it?" Loid asks Yor, who turns fully to him. "A-all right... if you think I'm fit for the role." She accepts.

Loid smiles happily at this. "Thank you. Then let us reconvene at Saturday's party. Yor nods, returning the smile.

Later that day, Loid and the girls are strolling down an aisle at the supermarket. "I got a sitter that will be watching you two on Saturday, so make sure you both behave." Y/n nods but Anya points to something on the shelf. "Stock up on peanuts and (favorite snack)!" She reminds the man.

At the register, the cashier strangely says ribbit, confusing the girls, but Loid is unfazed by this.

A T... no, an F cipher.

At night, Loid pries the coin open with a needle. One half falls into his palms while the other remains between his fingers. He then takes a small spyglass and inspects the half on his palm.

Must be details of the extra mission. Retrieving art pieces that were stolen from the West and eliminating this smuggling ring. I'm to carry out this mission Saturday at 1800 hours when the target meets the buyer. Saturday?

On Saturday, Loid and Franky are kneeling on a roof wearing black gear. "And so... we're going to take care of this quickly so I can make it to the party. You're helping." Loid explains.

"Hang on a second! I'm just an informant! My fighting skills are literal trash!" Franky panics as dread fills his head. "Not to mention, you already pretty much capped your tab-" Loid interrupts Franky, showing he's in a hurry. "We're talking 78 art pieces valued at a total of three million dalcs. I'm almost certain no one would notice if one or two happened to go missing."

Franky smirks and points to himself.  "Leave it to me. I just so happen to have invented some new spy gear just for days like this.

He's so useful!

Over at a bus stop, Yor is waiting patiently for the spy. She worriedly takes a peek at her wristwatch. "Loid is awfully late." She sighs. "I hope he wasn't in some terrible accident." Her eyes swerve to the top of a nearby building, narrowing in suspicion. "I thought I saw something." She mutters to herself.

As she looks back to the crowd awaiting, she didn't notice a head popping out from the roof she was previously looking at. Y/n, in the outfit of Mesanychta, watches Yor closely.

Where is Dad? He doesn't seem like he would stand up to someone. Luckily, the babysitter was able to fall asleep with Anya and I could sneak out. A little warm-up by watching over the date is good while making sure that no one will get hurt.

An explosion takes place at Loid's mission and many men are shooting as Franky is running away with a case, panic striking his face. The men with guns demand answers about who the two are. "You didn't tell me there be an army of them!" Franky screams. "Two, four, six... 38 of them." Loid counts as he peeks around the corner. "I can't afford to waste even ten seconds on each one!"

Loid expertly takes down the men that storm out of the building. "Reinforcements! There's no end to them!" Loid angrily mutters. "I got 'em all in! Get in!" Franky orders and Loid runs into the car.

The vehicle speeds off as the enemy tries to follow. Franky opens the case and examines the jewelry. "Whoo! Let's see... which one is going to accidentally go missing." He hums while fixing his glasses. Loid glances at the jewels. He snatches a diamond ring and a (favorite jewelry piece).

(Comment the kind you want, I'm curious! This is mine)

"I'm helping these to myself," Loid says with a smile

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"I'm helping these to myself," Loid says with a smile. "Hey! No fair taking the expensive-looking ones!" Franky whines. He tries to snatch the jewelry from Loid who moves his grip away from him.  A light shining in front of them catch the men's attention and they turn to see a car of the men they avoided diving right at them, guns blazing.

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