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Sorry for the wait, I got... distracted. *Glares at the Obey Me characters*

At the tailor's shop, Anya and y/n look over their new school uniforms. With their smile, their aura was filled with cuteness, so people could almost see the hearts around them. As Y/n looks over her outfit, Anya turns to Yor. "Do we look cute in our uniforms, Mama?"

Yor holds her hands over her mouth, squealing internally at the sight she's been blessed with. "Oh, you two look absolutely adorable! Let's go to the portrait studio later!" Y/n blushes at this. She then puts on the f/c scarf since she had a feeling today was going to be cold.

I gotta get used to these compliments.

Anya and Yor repeat the scenarios a few times until the tailor grows tired of it. "Could you leave already? How many times are you gonna say that?" The girls blush in embarrassment at this and leave. As they leave the shop, an idea strikes Anya. "I wanna go on an ooting in this!" Yor hums at this. "Yes, let's do that!" She agrees before thanking the tailor. 

As the girls walk down the street, Anya hums happily while Yor and Y/n hold each of her hands. "Why don't we stop by the park?" The girls both agree and they make their way to the grassy playfield. Once they arrived, Anya runs off. She then shows off her uniform to anyone passing by, shouting that this is her new uniform.

Yor and Y/n smile happily at this. "My, your daughters are adorable." Yor and Y/n look over to see two women surrounded by their sons. One holds her hand to her cheek. "They go to Eden? I'm so jealous." Yor gets a bit nervous about the sudden attention. "Oh...hello." Y/n takes this moment to go after Anya to make sure she doesn't wander off.

Some boys tell the women they're hungry and the other women smile down at them. "And what would you like for dinner?" One of the boys gets excited as he answered. "Hamburger steak!"

As Yor watches the interaction, she recalls the interview at Eden College, where Mr. Swan was leering at Anya and Y/n. "So the youngest does prefer her previous mother and the oldest must've done something terrible." And when Anya said,  want to be with them forever." Yor looks out to the distance.

I know that we're just a pretend family. But... maybe I could be more of a mother to them.

Yor snaps out of it when Anya calls out and the two girls rush to them. "I just showed everyone how cute I am!" Yor smiles at this. "Make sure you don't dirty your uniform before you go to school." 

Y/n notices a building close by and she points it out. "Hey, how about we head to the supermarket? We are low on some things." Yor nods. "That sounds wonderful! Loid said he was going to be home late, so I'll make dinner tonight." Y/n nods. "I'll b sure to help."

As the girls walk to the building, a group of scary people watches them with a glint in their eyes. One of them smirks at the sight. "Hey, are those kids from Eden?" Another man stands up and narrows his eyes at them. "Is the chick with them their mom?" The woman of the group sighs. "She's gotta be the hired help. No rich person's gonna go shopping themselves." The smirking one has an idea. "You know, I think I want an allowance." The rest of the group hums in agreement.

The girls are browsing in the store, checking out everything. While going down a line of veggies, Yor begins planning for dinner. Y/n feels a bit warm in the store and takes off the scarf, wrapping it around her arm.

I'm sure I'll be able to make something if I have some meat and vegetables.

Yor picks up a small green pumpkin and inspects it. 

I'm not sure what any of these are, so I'll just buy all of them.

With a basket full of food, Yor approaches the cash register. Anya runs out to the door. "I'm gonna go outside, now!" Y/n follows after the pinkette. "I'll go with her," Yor shouts after them. "Oh, don't wander off too far!"

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