The party

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 Meanwhile, with Yor, the cold is starting to affect her, and she dabs her nose.

So, this is what it means to have your heart toyed with. I must keep my work relationships favorable for my brother's sake, too. Which means that I must attend this party.

Y/n looks back to Yor and the bus stop, panicking that something happened with her dad, but worry about the sad woman's safety clashes with her. A groan leaves her lips as she concludes that her dad can take care of himself and follows the woman.

The door to an apartment opens to reveal Yor's coworkers. "Yor! You're late!" Camilla lightly scolds. Yor walks in, holding up a bag. "I do apologize. Here's a gift." As soon as the bag is handed, Yor closes the door behind her. "Oh? I thought you were coming with your boyfriend." Camilla notes.

"Unfortunately, he had something suddenly come up." Yor gives the excuse. "Oh, what a shame. I was so eager to meet him!" Camilla sighs.

Yor's coworkers huddle with one another as they whisper. "What a lame excuse." "How pathetic." "I knew she was lying about having a guy." "Should we report the liar?" "We should!" "I'm positive she's a spy who's been sent into our lower country's birth rate." "Seriously? That's so petty." "She's just unpopular with the guys." "Just leave her be. "You're meaner than both of us, Sharon."

A man approaches Yor who's sitting in a chair away from the party. "It's too bad your boyfriend couldn't make it. I was excited to meet him. Yor is surprised by the man and stands up. "D-Dominic..."

Dominic Smiles. "Yuri's always so worried about you." Yor is stricken with guilt and looks to the ground. "Um, could you possibly... just tell my brother that I came to the party with a kind gentleman?" She requests, holding her fists together.

Camilla trots her way over and hugs herself to Dominic's arm. "Yeah, not happening." She says smugly. "Just how desperate are you to impress people, Yor? It just makes you look even more pathetic" She laughs. "Jeez, knock it off, Camilla!" Dominic. orders.

Stop talking to my man.

Camilla pulls Dominic back. "I'll be sure to let your brother know that you came alone." She shrugs.

What could she possibly gain from doing that? This is honestly becoming tiresome. If everyone at this party just happened to perish, my brother would never find out.

Yor shakes her head while Dominic leads an angry Camilla away. "I'm so sorry. Have fun! Come on, Camilla. Help me bake this gratin." He says nervously.

Out the window and on the roof of a neighboring building, y/n's eyes are trained on the party. Even with the mask going over her nose, anger is evident in her eye.

Yor sits down and closes her eyes. She opens them again and takes a look around the room of the families around, all happily conversing with one another.

That must be what normal looks like. I'm sure that's how my brother wanted me to end up.

Camilla reaches to one of her friends and talks to her while keeping her eyes on Yor. "Seriously? She's still here." Mille hums in agreement. "She's tougher than she looks." Sharon joins in the conversation. "I'm honestly surprised she had the nerve to show up alone."

I see... I'm too out of my league here.

Yor collects her things and stands up. "I do beg your pardon," Yor speaks up, gaining everyone's attention. "I will have to take my leave-" The door slams open, surprising Yor to stop talking. 

The new arrival walks up to stand next to Yor, whose pupils are small at the sight she is seeing. Loid stands tall as blood floods down his head and to his face and he staggers a bit. "I'm terribly sorry for arriving late," Loid announces, his eyes not able to steady. "I'm Yor's husband, Loid Forger." Loid lowers his head, and he rests his eyes.

Everyone is surprised as Yor holds a hand to her mouth as she whispers to Loid. "Um... I just needed a boyfriend, not a husband." She reminds the man. The man whispers and he quietly says, "Shit!"

I mixed up my mission with hers.

Dominic walks up to the duo with an extended hand. "Um... Mr. Forger, was it? You're bleeding." Loid places a hand on his head and looks at the liquid on his palm. "Oh, pardon me." He heavily laughs. "One of my patients had a violent episode." He explains and takes the handkerchief from Yor. "It happens all the time to a psychiatrist."

Loid finishes wiping off the blood and smiles at the woman next to him. "Have you been enjoying yourself, Yor?" He asks. "Your joking, right?" Camilla asks. "You're married, Yor?" She then takes a few steps forward. "Why didn't you tell us?" She demands.

As Yor tries to think of something, Loid speaks up with a sheepish smile. "It's embarrassing to say so, but this is my second marriage and I already have two children, so it may have been hard to bring up," Camilla growls and backs up.

Don't give me that shit! There's no way Yor has a husband who's that handsome and hot!

Camilla then runs to the back and grabs a tray of steaming food from the kitchen.

I'll embarrass her in front of everyone!

As she walks back to her coworker, she puts on a fake smile. "Well, you're just in time! I just got this piping hot gratin right out of the oven!" Once she is close enough to the two, she tosses the tray and falls forward. "Oops, I seemed to have tripped!" Camilla excuses, watching with a smug smile on her lips.

 Her face falls, however, when Yor catches the tray with her heel. A bit of the gratin spills from the tray and a bit land on Camilla's nose. Camilla quickly wipes away the gratin and covers her nose as she sits up from the floor.

Yor is how properly holding the tray as Loid looks at her. "I admire your dedication to not wasting food, but it's a bit improper to use your feet, Yor." He says, not surprised by the reflex. "Oh, I'm sorry." Yor meekly says.

"That got you?" Dominic asks as he helps Camilla get up. An idea strikes the blonde and she gets close to Loid. "Did you know, Mr. Ranger..." She starts. "It's Forger." Loid quickly corrects.

 Meanwhile, with y/n, she was able to position herself to stand on the thin brick sticking out the wall next to the window. She leans to the glass, feeling victorious that she can hear the conversation more clearly. After seeing her father barges in injured, she became determined to get closer to the party in hopes to find out what's going on.

"...that she was apparently doing some questionable work before working at city hall." Camilla continues. "What did you do again? Men would call you to their hotel rooms so you could give them massages?" Dominic pulls her back as she says, "Oh, you little whore."

Yor's face falls at this.

Massages were a cover for occupational murders.

Yor turns to look at Loid. "Um, please don't get the wrong idea, Loid. I-" The man cuts Yor off. "It's okay, Yor." Yor is taken aback by this. "Huh?" Loid then looks at everyone in the room. "Yor lost her parents at a very young age. She did all she could to care for her younger brother, even if it meant sacrificing herself."

Loid looks downcast as he remembers the jobs he has done. "Be it for someone else or a specific reason, having to endure a merciless job requires an incredible amount of dedication." Yor stares at Loid in awe and y/n's eyes water. "And that's something to be very proud of."

He takes Yor's hand and leads her to the door. "Let's go home, Yor." Yor nods. "Er, yes... thank you for the lovely party, everyone." She says as the two left.

Y/n holds a hand to her mouth, smiling widely.

I'm happy a man like that took me in. Hopefully, I can work hard to make him proud. I better follow after them, so nothing happens to them. As for that woman... I'll deal with her later. She won't get away with saying something disrespectful to Ms. Yor.

And like that, y/n leaps across one building to another, waiting for her father and his date to leave the building.

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