The meeting

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On Anya's TV, the spy is being tortured with a whip while shirtless by the enemies. "I don't care how much you torture me! I will never...sell out my friends!" The spy grunts, wincing at every sharp pain inflicted by the whip. Anya stares at the TV with fascination as the enemy clicks his tongue. "Cure you and your resilience, Bondman!" Loid watches his youngest daughter sit practically a foot from the screen.

If only she could concentrate on her studies like this.

"I only have two bullets left!" The character mutters, looking into their gun. Anyahums and turns to Loid. "How many bullets can Bondman's pistol hold?"

Loid perks up at the question. He knows the amount the model of the pistol holds. but he remembered what the show said. "Hm? I'm pretty sure it was eight."

"So that's two-eighths!" She exclaims, making sure that she's right. Loid's mouth hangs open before bolting up from his seat. "Yes! You're right!"

Anya stands up in a proud stance, repeating herself. "He has two-eighths of his bullets left!" Loid holds his excitement as he notices something. "How do you even know those words?"

So the cartoon makes things easier for her to understand?

Yor suddenly rushes into the room, panting heavily. "Th-th-th-th-There's trouble, Loid!" Loid does not notice the urgency of his wife. "Welcome home, Yor." Anya is quick to repeat her newfound learned in information. "He has two-eighths of his bullets left!"

Y/n walks into the room, holding a book open with her thumb. Once she heard Yor rush in a panic, she quickly came out. "What's going on, Mom?" She asks, reminding Yor the situation at hand. "Yuri...I mean, my younger brother is coming here today!"

It takes a moment for Loid to react... and it's not a positive one. The stress hit him like a ton of bricks and his face shows it. "Today?!"

Y/n is quick to react, although, as she recalls the situation Yor had to make it seem like she wasn't single to not disappoint her brother. "Unannounced? It seems kind of rude." Yor weakly smiles. "Well, he tends to worry about me, and I kind of deserve it from practically hiding it from him that I got married. I guess you could say it's payback.

Yor briefly explains how her brother found out and why he is so insistent. "So, yes... he insists on coming over and congratulating us. What shall we do? He won't find out that this marriage is fake, will he?"

Loid brings back his calm and assuring demeanor. "Don't worry. "I've prepared lovey-dovey couple accessories for just this sort of occasion."

In moments. the bedroom is filled with things that are found with a newlywed couple in cheesy romantic movies. Photos of the two doing romantic things, the bed having pink and frills with a big heart on the blanket, and each pillow.

Me: *Leans over the characters I hate pit, coughing* Too... lovey-dovey. *

Baby brother: *holds up a black and pink blanket with all forms of love words and hearts on it*

Me: *snatches it* It was a gift from grandma, it's my childhood blanket.

Yor and Loid look at each other, a light blush across their cheeks from the unexpected items that were revealed to falsely prove their love for one another.

Y/n and Anya watch from outside the room, noticing the heavy tension the new decorations have created. Anya mutters quietly, "Papa and Mama are flirting." Making the two adults snap out of their state to yell, "We are not!"

A little later, Loid and the two daughters are reading their books, passing the time. Anya notices how long it's been and turns to her dad. "Mama's little brother still isn't here?"

Y/n doesn't look up from her book, but she smiles. "He's also your uncle. It's a name you call your parents brother." Anya hums in fascination and looks down. "Uncle....Yura?" She tries to remember the name and y/n chuckles. "Yuri, but just Uncle will do, as long as he's okay with it."

Anya can't hold back a yawn anymore and lets one out, swaying a bit in her seat. Loid notices this right away a sets down his book of spy wars. "It's late. You should go to bed." Anya shakes her head. "Anya will greet Uncle, too..."

Yor takes a peek out of the window and looks around. "It appears as though he's still stuck at work." She turns around in time to see Anya fall onto Loid's legs, fast asleep. Y/n holds back a laugh to not wake her little sister. "She is so cute."

Outside, Yuri has an armful of a bouquet of roses, bigger than his chest. He stares at the bouquet with worry filling his eyes.

I got a little worked up, and now I'm late. Ah, but... I'll finally be able to see sis! It's been so long! Lala~.

He starts to skip but suddenly stops and bends down, his face filled with dread.

I can feel the ribs that my sister broke before tingling. I'm remembering her loving embrace, and now my whole body is tingling! But why in the world did my sister wait a whole year to tell me she was married and has kids?

His head snaps up with a gasp of realization.

Could it be some foul villain that she's afraid of introducing to me?!

His eyes wander up to the apartment where he found out his sister lives.

I will eliminate every threat within the country where my sister lives. That includes her husband, too.

His face morphs into a look of determination and walks into the apartment complex.

Loid Forger... if he's some shithead who's threatening my sister, I'll throw him in a cell immediately.

He reaches the door and takes a breath.

No, calm down. She mustn't find out about my job. In order to protect my job and my happiness, I must make sure she never finds out about this!

Inside the apartment, the married couple and their oldest daughter clean up the dishes from the day. While they do this, Loid is deep in thought.

Yuri Briar... the Forger's only blood relative. It's easy to slip up around someone you're emotionally close to. We must be careful. I cannot lose this family that I've worked so hard to create. Everyone has a side that they don't show to anyone else. To their friends, significant others, or even their families. They hide what they're truly feeling through fake smiles or bravado, and keep their true identities secret.

The doorbell rings and the oldest child perks up while the adults smile at each other. The door opens to reveal Yuri smiling. "Hello! It's nice to meet you! I'm Yor's younger brother, Yuri!"

Yor and Loid smile at the guest. "Welcome."

That is how the world keeps up the appearance of its temporary peace.

The TV shows wo political figure shaking hands as the announcer explains. "Foreign Minister Windsor met with Westalis's Foreign Minister Brantz for days of talks, with the goal of normalizing diplomatic relations between the two countries."

As the two men shake hands, they stare at each other with calculating eyes, unnoticed by the girl watching them.

I'm going to find out...if this man is going to harm our family or not!

I'm going to find out...if this man is worthy of my sister or not! No, of course, he's not worthy.

Someone wants Digital Circus done.... All right, BUTI want you guys to think of what I'd look like in the show. I'll be adding myself. Gain my interest, and I'll do the pilot.

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