Yuri Briar

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In a building with bared cell doors around, the same man from city hall taken into custody stays silent for a cold-faced blonde man questions him. "Let's start one more time from the beginning. How many and what kind of files did you take from city hall? Who did you sell them to? When, where, and how many times did you meet with them?"

The man from city hall gives a cold stare, parts of his face swollen and bleeding. As he speaks, his voice is wavering and hoarse. "Please let me go home." He glances at another man beside them, writing down everything that was happening.

The plea is met with the general holding a fresh cigarette between his lips, only pulling it away to breathe out a breath of smoke.

The State Security Service. An organization whose goal is to maintain the peace within their nation, its main duties include spy hunting and keeping an eye on the citizens. To complete their missions, they frequently use violence, wiretapping, intimidation, and torture.

The interrogator leans his elbows on the table. "Since we're both so good at talking, let's continue, Mr. Hayward. What do you say?" He presses the cigarette onto the hand of the accused.

The citizens called them the "secret police", and they are feared.

another man enters the room, his voice full of cheer despite the situation.

 "Great work, First Lieutenant. The boss asked me to take over the questioning." The interrogator sighs and heaves himself from his seat. "All right. I'll leave the rest to you, Second Lieutenant Briar." He pats the boy's shoulder, who salutes, and walks off. "Yes sir! I'll do my best!" Once the youngest soldier's eyes land on the man brought in, his face darkens with a chilling smile.

Yuri Briar, age twenty. He is a member of the secret police.

Outside the room, where the hallway is filled with heavy smoke,  a man dares to ask an obviously curious question. "Why did the boss bring such a softie to our team? I admit that he's good, but frankly, he's just a kid. Some elite from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who quickly rose up the ranks."

The first Lt. recalls a memory and brings it up. When I talked to the boss..." 

The man is standing firm and tall, his eyes trained on the man behind a desk, looking out a window. The boss turns around, holding a cigar as he smiles fondly. "Huh? Well, isn't Yuri adorable? He's like some cute little puppy."

"And that was all." The leader finishes, a light scowl forming his mouth. Th soldier smiles nervously. "I-I see..." The first Lt. snuffs out the smoke as he goes on. "Well, our organization needs a kid like him sometimes. Not to mention, he knows how to do the job, and he can be quite indiscriminate."

Briar takes off his hat as he sits down. "Hello, Mr. Hayward." The accused man repeats his words. "You won't get anything out of m-" The soldier is quick to interrupt, keeping his cheery composure, throwing the man off. "My older sister actually works at city hall just like you do!"

"Huh?" The office worker mutters. " Briar continues. "Maybe you know her. She's pretty and kind, and I'm super proud of her! I'm actually going to celebrate her marriage today. I haven't seen her in forever, so I'm really excited! So, yeah, I'd like to get this over with quickly so I can go home. Why don't you just spit it all out already?"

The bruised man gather his composure the best he can, remembering what he has to do. "I-I don't know anything!" The soldier is quick to toss photos of the very office worker doing suspicious activities, the main one is handing files to an unknown person in an alleyway. "Here are photos of your deals. This is you, isn't it, Mr.  Hayward?"

The man writings things down is even shocked at this surprise and speak up. "Second Lieutenant, you- How long were you holding important evidence like this?!"

Briar stays joyful, smiling at the man yelling at him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to submit them." He then looks at the accused. "You'd be much better off if you were honest."

The injured man looks down, closing his eyes and staying silent for a slight second. "So, I was just giving them the papers in exchange for cash. All I know about him is that he's from the West. I don't even know his name."

Briar is quick to jump on another question. "Was there anything awkward about this man's looks or speech? Perhaps he didn't act his age?"

The office worker raises his head. "No, nothing like that."

At that, Yuri's smile is gone and he interlocks his fingers over his chin. "I see. In that case... does the name "Twilight" sound familiar to you?" His bright demeanor is gone, a red tint in his eye peeking on the outside rim of his irises.

The man gives a confused look. "Who?" He asks, raising a brow.

"He's a spy from the West. Apparently, a master of disguise. He is the villain who is trying to make this world fall into chaos. You could call him my natural enemy." Yuri's voice is cold, his gaze full of an unknown mix of emotions that brought chill to Hayward.

Hayward jumps at the opportunity. "I-if I helped you catch him, could we just forget about all this?"

"Do you know him?" Yuri asks, and Hayward look away. "Er, no, but let me remember..." He trails off as he thinks. Yuri takes the opportunity to lay down the obvious. "If you feed me false information, you'll be committing another crime, so do be careful."

Hayward holds up his chained hands to the level of his shoulders. "I just wanted extra money so I could fool around with girls! I didn't mean aby harm.

"You have a wife, don't you?" Yuri brings up the detail, lifting his head. Hayward jumps into this. "You're a man, too! You must understand! I was just selling some documents. I'm no political criminal. Let me off the hook! Please!" he presses his hands together in a praying motion and bows his head.

"Mr. Hayward, you see..." He leans away from the desk. "I haven't told my sister that I work for the State Security Service. It's a particularly a dangerous job, so it's just worry her. And above all, I don't want her to know how much dirty work I do."

With a hand, Yuri grabs Hayward by the head and slams his face on the ash tray on the table, keeping his head there. "Mr. Hayward, what you've just done is treason. Perhaps they were nothing more than pieces of paper to you, but you may very well put many of our citizens in danger. Do you understand?" He moves close to the struggling man's ear. "Unlike you, I love my family... my sister. I will do anything to protect this country where my sister lives."

His face is dark, rings o red in his eyes as he looks at Hayward as if he was beneath the gum off his shoe. "And I do mean more anything."

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