Dante Desmond

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Dante Desmond, the second son of the Desmond family. Due to his lineage, he was given the things he needed for a bright future to carry on the family name. In sports, education, and many more activities, he was given the best and has gotten the results he expected, even passing those expectations.

Due to his name, he has lots of suitors to be married off to expand his family's business. But due to him being only the second son and 17, they have decided to take time and listen to his so about his opinion. Not if he truly likes them, no, but if the daughter of the family will spill any secrets that will make the Desmond's be put at a disadvantage.

"The Arinonle's have been getting a loan. I believe that they are low on money." Dante tells his father who hums. "Which means that they are currently flimsy, no wonder why they have been pushing for an engagement." In a room, the father looks upon another man who is weeping, begging. "My son will not see your daughter anymore." Dante sighs as they take away a screaming girl that has anger issues and has been a brat where he disliked her since day one.

While Dante has been preparing for his life to be, he has had one secret that will not exactly cause trouble, but he feels embarrassed if anyone found out.

Dante Desmond... is a fan of romance.

Dante is on his bed, smiling as he reads a book in his hand. When he reaches the kissing part, he kicks his feet, holding back a laugh of excitement.

Dante Desmond love to read and watch the way two people grew affection with one another. He just loved to watch the scenes in front of him unfold, making wishes like a princess on the tower that one day, he would find someone he liked himself.

And then one day...

Dante looked through the shelves. He was able to convince his father to look through a bookstore to find a book that he has been looking for. His eyes wander up and they widen at seeing the title he has been looking for. A frown plays on his lips as he sees that he isn't tall enough to reach the book. A memory flashes through his mind and he rushes to the end of the shelf, where he spots a stool used to reach high places. He grabs the furniture and rushes over to the spot he was earlier.

Once he set the stool down, he got on it and stretch his arm up, his fingers grazing the hardcover. Due to this, he slowly lifts himself to the balls of his feet, getting closer to the book. Suddenly, a loud noise snaps him out of his focus, and things go too fast for him to process.

The time he could focus on his surroundings, the first thing he could see was (e/c) staring into his, a look of concern on the savior's face. Her voice rings out like bells as she asks the question. "Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?"

The voice has been playing in his head when her father came to help, when the owner gave her a huge collection of books, when he went home, and ever since then. He had the urge to draw her, but he held it back, he didn't want to be a creep and he didn't want his family to find out. So, he kept the image of her to himself.

How he longed wished to see her again, to thank his hero. And now...he felt like he was in a love story, where he has crossed paths with this girl, and he'll see her more. But there was a question that would burn in his brain. Will she be okay with him pining her?

But the only thing that is going through his mind right now is...


In a flash, Dante shoots down to use his desk to hide, happy he chose the last row, he then pulled his friend, Aedin with him. Aedin glares at Dante at the harsh jerk, but stops when he pulls out the small compact mirror that he uses to make sure nothing is out of place to make his family mad at him, and that was concerning.

"Is my hair okay, nothing from my face?" Dante desperately asks. "Wh-what's going on? Why are you acting like this?" Aedin asks him and Dante looks at his friend. "It's her! The girl from the bookstore!" He whispers loudly.

Aedin is confused. "What are you talking abou-" It clicks in his head and silence fills the air. "You mean, the one who saved you from the falling bookshelf."

Dante nods and feels his cheeks burning with fire. Aedin sighs and shakes Dante. "Calm down! If you really wanna talk to her, you need to collect yourself." 

Dante nods and takes a deep breath. "You're right, you're right. I can do this."

The two go back to their seats and see that no one seemed to notice them and they are still talking about y/n. The blush return to Dante but he does a simple breathing technique of breathing in for five seconds and breathing out for five. "Now, I need someone to become Miss Forger's guide so she won't get confused or lost."

In a flash, Dante raises a hand and speaks loudly. "I VOLENTEER TO ASSIST MISS FORGER!" The teacher and kids are all taken aback by this outburst and stare at Dante who is steaming with embarrassment.

A calm girl across from him raises his hand. "I would also like to help out Miss Forger to getting used to this school." Her eyes seem cold as they stare at y/n. 

The Professor smiles brightly. "Ah, thank you, Mr. Desmond and Miss Citrine. I trust y/n will be comfortable by your guidance."

If the Citrine felt it, she ignored the blazing glare that is being given to her by Dante as his face darkens and his eyes go white. He had a feeling that she would get in the way of befriending his savior.

Spy x family (reader insert)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara