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"Scruffy head!" Anya greets Franky as he enters the apartment, struggling to carry the mountain of papers in his arms.

"Hello, Uncle Franky. Here let me help." Y/n says as she rushes over and takes the stack of papers before a word of objection can be said. She sets down the paper on the coffee table and sits on the couch.

Franky places a hand on top of the stack. "I copied all the files of unmarried women from city hall." He huffs. "Great, thanks," Loid says.

"You need one who won't care you're divorced with two kids, is refined enough for a prestigious school and is willing to get married within 48 hours?" Franky tries to clarify. "If a goddess like that exists, I'd sure love to meet her. Meanwhile, I'm not picky at all, yet I can't even get a date."

"How unfortunate." Loid blandly says.  Franks slams his hands on the table and shouts, "Don't pity me!" The shouting makes y/n jolt and Anya runs to the side of the couch. She peeks out from the armchair. "Is having kids bad? Are we in the way?" Anya asks sadly.

Loid rubs both of our heads as he assures us. "You're not in the way at all. Don't worry. You two just go watch TV." The two nod and head to the device. Franky watch as the two walks to the corner of the room.

Y/n helps Anya turn on Spy Wars as the little one giggles. Franky sits on the chair behind him and leans toward Loid. "Actually, why don't you just use a female agent from your work?" He quietly asks.

Loid takes the top paper and examines it. "A lot of them got caught in the recent spy hunts, so I couldn't find a good match. Not to mention, the agency is still searching for that hero, Mesanychta."

Franky hums and leans back in his chair. "Never understand why we're trying to catch them. With the bank robberies and other crimes being stopped, it's a blessing they came."

"It's not our problem, Franky. Right now, Operation Strix is a top priority."

Y/n Forger, code name, Mesanychta. With an unknown past, she has abilities to save people and stop crime in a vigilante fashion. Her powers are as listed: Superintelligence, super strength, self-healing, and many more yet to be discovered. But with her being hunted by the very agency the two men in the room work for, she has been on the down low.

"We don't have enough agents, so I got another mission on top of this." Loid continues. "Eliminating a certain smuggling ring," he explains as he scans each paper. "They're working you to the bone!" Franky says upset.

"let's just get this over with." Loid simply says. "The quickest options would be women in bad circumstances who'd cooperate with you," Franky notes. "Finding dirt on them might help, too. If they don't have any, we always make some up."

"I'd like to avoid anything risky," Loid says. Franky drops the paper and points to the girls. "Oh, please. They're plenty risky." Loid looks to see Anya dancing in y/n's lap. "The small one definitely doesn't look like any princess from a rich family. The bigger one is helpful, but she doesn't speak her mind."

"You've got a point." Loid sighs. He holds his head with his hand. "I need to at least do something with their appearances and teach y/n to want things for herself."

Later, Loid takes the girls to a clothing shop. The two of them admire the clothing around them with fascination. An older woman approaches the girls. "Now, young ladies, I'm going to take your measurements. Come with me." She takes Anya's hand and y/n follows close behind. "I'm being sold off somewhere!" Anya yells to Loid. "You won't be if you behave," Loid responds and y/n laughs into her hand. "Honestly, where does she learn to talk like that?" He asks himself and examines the women in the shop.

The seamstress... is married. The proprietress was listed among the single women, but she's been arrested once over political activities, so she's too dangerous. Finding the right person might take longer than-

The door opens and a woman glides in. "Pardon me." She speaks up. It turns out to be Yor. Loid's eyes go wide in surprise. "Oh, I haven't seen you in a while, Yor." An older woman approaches Yor happily. "Hello. I was hoping I could get my dress fixed up." Yor explains and pulls out her beautiful black dress from her bag. "Could I get it done as quickly as possible?" She asks. "But of course. You're one of our regulars." The woman agrees.

She managed to slip behind me so easily. Who is she? Yor... Yor... There we go. Yor Briar, 27 years old. She has no record of being married or divorced. Both parents are deceased, and she has one brother who's much younger than her. They're both civil servants whose records are pretty clean. Did I just let my guard down? I'm far too relaxed lately. I need to be aware especially when the girls are around me.

"Excuse me," Yor speaks up, grabbing Loid's attention. "You've been staring at me since I walked in. May I help you?" She asks, her eyes sharply piercing the man.

Impossible! She could even sense my gaze?

Loid spins around and shows he's nervous. "Er, no, um, I'm sorry! I was just admiring how pretty you are." He explains. Yor lights up at the compliment. "Does that mean... you have a favorable impression of my physical appearance?" She rushes out, getting closer to Loid.

"Er, well... yes." Loid answers.

You've got a nice face and body, Yor. You'd be a knockout if you just dressed up.

Yor goes to speak until Anya shouts, "Papa!" Grabbing the adults' attention to see her and y/n walk over to them. "Now I know how long I am! The ladies say they're gonna make Sissy and me super pretty! But Sissy is already pretty!" She laughs.

Y/n holds a finger to her mouth. "Anya, please don't shout. And I'm not that pretty." The children's eyes land on Yor and the two stop. "Who's that?" Anya asks.

"Another customer," Loid explains, holding a hand to Yor. Y/n's cheeks redden, and her eyes widen at the sight of the woman. 

She's so gorgeous! I'm feeling nervous just meeting a woman so pretty.

Yor turns away and Anya listens to her thoughts. 

He has children! I almost pursued someone's husband. I've heard that women have been killed by wives for such things. I mean, if it happened to me, I'd just kill them back... 


No, I mustn't! If I think like this, someone will figure out that I'm an assassin. I must learn to be normal.

A-an assassin?! A spy... an assassin... and a superhero... I'm... so excited!

The little girl was starving for entertainment.

Hmm, I was considering her as a candidate to play my wife, but never mind.

I was considering him to act as my boyfriend at the party, but I must avoid these so-called messy lovers' quarrels.

Not wanting to lose this opportunity, Anya hugs y/n's leg as she sings, "Ah, we are so lonely because we do not have a mama. " Loid tiredly looks at his youngest, "What do you think you're doing?" He asks as y/n picks up Anya. "What's going on, Anya?" She asks worriedly.

"I long for Sissy and me to have a mama." Anya continues.

Yor perks up at this and looks at Loid. "Are you not with your wife?" She asks. Loid turns to her. "Oh, er... I actually lost my wife two years ago. So, I'm raising these two on my own now." Loid explains.

So I won't be killed for asking him to the party!

Yor takes a deep breath. "Excuse me."

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