Sudden but pleasant appearance, Yor the assassin

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Loid, Anya, and Y/n take a good look at examining Franky dressed as a woman. Even with the jewelry, it has hard to deny the... suspiciousness of the figure.

Loid sighs in defeat. "Yeah, no." He plainly says. Franky gets angry and stomps his foot. "What?!" Anya points to Franky. "Anya doesn't like this Mama."

"You're just not going to cut it for the mother role, Franky," Loid explains, crossing his arms. Franky picks up the hand mirror and side covers his mouth as he whispers to Loid, "You're literally a spy. Couldn't you have done my disguise better?"

Loid turns and walks to the couch. "There's only so much I can do with your height and physique." Y/n takes the mirror from Franky and hands him a makeup remover. 

"Sorry I couldn't do much, sir, it's hard to hide your obvious masculinity of you." She apologizes. Franky lights up and pats the girl's head. "You did your best. And please, call me Uncle Franky. You're such a sweet girl." He says happily and goes to the makeup station.

I meant to say that he looks like a masculine woman. I guess I should leave him with the confidence boost. 

Loid sits in thought while the girls continue to help Franky.

Operation Strix. In order to stop a key figure in Ostania, Desmond, from trying to start a war, I was given this top-secret mission as a member of WISE. We were able to pass the written exam to get into the prestigious Eden College, but who knew the interview process's next stage demanded the attendance of both parents?

"Very well," Loid says as he sits up straight. "I guess I'll have to explore my options.

Over at the City Hall of Capital City Berlint, a beautiful blonde woman is gossiping. "Did you hear? A thief might've entered our office. Apparently, they only searched drawers with information regarding the girls. Like, what? What kind of creep does that?" A woman with short brown hair and a bow keeps her hair out of her eyes and pipes in. "Honestly, the section chief is way creepier." She cringes at the thought. "He's always ogling me." Another woman with glasses and long dark hair keeps her cigarette away from her face and makes a judgmental note. "That's because you're always wearing those short skirts."

"Well, my boyfriend likes it when I wear them." The brunette defends herself. The dark hair woman inhales her cigarette and blows the smoke out the window.

"You've got a nice figure yourself, Sharon, so flaunt it more." The blonde encourages. Sharon looks over and shows she is not influenced by this. "You don't bother anymore once you have a kid." The blonde looks over to her right and addresses another woman in the room. "What do you think about this, Yor? Isn't it creepy?"

A gorgeous woman with her black hair all tied into a bun but two strands falling in front of her ears, her red eyes look into her coworkers as she speaks. "Sorry?" She asks as she continues to pour the cups of coffee. "Is that the section chief's coffee? Let's spit in it." The brunette speaks up about her idea. "Huh? Does spitting in it somehow make it taste better?" Yor naively asks. The women are shocked by this and the blonde smiles. "You know, Yor... I've gotta say you're rather... unique." The other women agree and Yor looks around, a bit confused by what her coworkers mean. "She's so out there that I bet guys keep their distance!" The brunette laughs. Come on now, Millie." Sharon warns her friend. 

"You've got a nice face and body, Yor." The blonde points out. "You'd be a knockout if you just dressed up." She advises. "Uh-huh." Yor hums.

"I'll give you the deets on some of my favorite cosmetics." Millie offers. Yor shyly looks down at the coffee. "I'm honestly content as long as I get to keep this job." She replies. 

"But aren't you, like, 26? You need to be careful." The blonde says, holding her chin. "There seem to be a lot of spies around lately, you know?" She asks smugly. "So people are apparently getting reported over the tiniest things. The other day, a single woman in her late twenties got reported by her neighbors for being suspicious."

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