Anya's time with the tour

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with Anya, they reached a large room with many tables. "This is the cafeteria. The best chefs will present you with the most elegant dishes daily." He then points at a staircase where it leads to a set of doors. "Beyond those doors is a special dining hall reserved only for Imperial Scholars. Anyone can be an Imperial Scholar if they achieve elegant grades and earn eight Stellas. I trust that you will all do your best."

All the children smile brightly at the Housemaster. "Yes, sir!" The man then stares directly at Anya. "However, those who fall behind will receive Tonitrus Bolts and face punishment or expulsion, so stay on your toes." Anya is a bit concerned by this.

Why is he staring at me?

Two boys smile at Damian and address him. "Lord Damian's gonna be an Imperial Scholar in no time!" Damian smirks at the remark. "Of course, I am." Another boy speaks up in praise. "We'd expect nothing else!" Damian then starts to brag. "I mean, my father is the head of the National Unity Party."

A lot of kids gather around Damian in wonder and all excited. The Housemaster tuts at this. "Silence! No private conversations!"

Becky scoffs as she places her hands on her hips. "They are so dumb. Damian notices Anya and makes his way over to her with a smirk still on his face. "What about you? What does your father do? If he's important enough, I'd consider letting you be my friend, too." Anya remembers her father's advice.

I will stay calm for the mission.

"He's a sp- a feelings doctor." She stops herself from saying spy, but Damian scoffs at this. "Hmph. So he's just a nobody. You're probably not that rich, either. Lame." 

Anya remains calm and points at the boy. "I wanna go play at your house." One of the boys snaps at this. "You moron! Know your place, uggo!" He then smiles at Damian. "This is the problem with measly little peasants." The other boy gets close to Anya and yells at her. "You're gonna get your gross peasant germs on him! Scram!" He shoves Anya away, making an angry tic form on her face.

Now is the time for me to unleash my killer punch!

Back when Yor was teaching Anya self-defense, she speaks to the girl. "Listen carefully, Miss Anya. Anyone who lets their emotions control their fists does not know the meaning of true strength. If someone is being just a little mean, being able to laugh it off makes you the cooler, bigger girl." Anya clenches her fists and nods firmly as Yor goes on. "And if you can keep a smile on your face, fights will not happen."

Becky tries to encourage Anya. "Hey, stop being so pathetic. At least say something back." Anya slowly rises back up with a smile. "Heh. Like I care." Damian is taken aback by those words.

Anya shows her face to reveal a smug smile with her eyes narrowed with an upward curve. and says a simple, "Heh." This makes Damian's face flush with red and clenching his face.

H-how dare she smirk at me like she's mocking me?!

Becky is fascinated by Anya's reaction.

Look at that composure! She's so mature! Amazing! I was wrong about her being a baby!

Becky speaks up and tells her thoughts. "You're way more grown-up than I thought. I'm impressed." Anya snaps out of her smug look and looks at Becky. "I'm a grown-up?" A sparkly aura appears around the girl before she goes back to smiling smugly at Damian.

The boy shakes for a second before bursting out in anger. "Don't get cocky, you stupid uggo! You stupid girl!" One of the boys' sweat drops at this. "Lord Damien, perhaps you should broaden your vocabulary..."

Becky stands to Anya's defense. "What's your problem? Sure, she's uglier than me, but you don't have to be so mean." Anya is shocked by these words, but this does not calm Damian down. "Shut your mouth!"

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