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Jungkook's pov:

Taehyung's hands hadn't stopped shaking the whole lesson. His eyes never left his sketch book but his form was uneasy. I could tell he was anxious about our talk. I don't want him to feel scared to talk to me about what happened. I know he may feel embarrassed and I would never want to force Taehyung into doing anything that would make him uncomfortable. But this talk is important.

When the bell went for the end of the lesson, students gathered their things and made their way out. Goodbyes and thank you's were exchanged as well as the odd question from a student before it was just us two once again.

I turned to see Taehyung still sat at his table. Head cast down and eyes glued to his fingers that were intertwining with one another. One of his many nervous habits.

I quietly sighed and made my way over, sitting in the chair beside him.

"can I have a look?" I ask, referring to the sketch book he's been drawing in for the past 2 hours. Taehyung just nodded and I took the book with a 'thank you'.

It was a black and white sketch of a bouquet of flowers. However, in the bunch you could make out the face of a boy. The drawings detail was so intricate but I didn't recognise the face. The boy's face was filled with wonder, as if the flowers were pulling him to life. However his eyes were shadowed in sadness. Tears filled his orbs and fell the same way flowers do when they die. In the same way that the petals were fulfilling the boy with life, sharp vines clung to his skin. Wrapping tightly around his neck and almost drawing blood. The drawing was beautiful. I wonder how he has made such a complex piece in as little as two hours.

"this is incredible Taehyung" I mumble, fingers tracing over the layers of vines. Some sharp with thorns, others blank and beautiful.

"thank you"

I placed the book back down, giving it one last look before pulling my attention to him.

"about what happened the other week-"

"i'm sorry" he cut me off. Taehyung looked up and his eyes finally met mine. They were filled with embarrassment and a slight panic.

"Taehyung you don't ever have to apologise for what happened. It's completely natural for littles to slip. You felt the urge coming and you gave into it. I'm glad you did. It's healthy too. I don't want you to feel embarrassed about it. You should never be ashamed of being a little okay? I will never view you any differently now knowing that you're a little. You do know that right?"

Taehyung's bottom lip was being harshly bitten by his teeth. I almost asked him to stop before he hurts himself but it's getting him through this conversation so I unwillingly refrained from doing so.

After a while of processing what i've just said he finally nods. It wasn't confident by any means but it was enough to know that Taehyung understands and has taken in what i've just told him. Hopefully this means he can start to get more comfortable with the idea that I know he's a little. It'll be too damaging for health and mind to stress about if it continues otherwise.


Taehyung's pov:

I was walking up the driveway to my house, first time in nearly two weeks. I wasn't scared at all...

I know i've got a lot of explaining to do to my dad and I know it was irresponsible of me to not tell him where I was for 11 days.. But my mind is currently occupied with something else. Jungkook's words from earlier today.

I sigh to myself whilst unlocking my front door. Why does my life have to be so complicated? Surely it would be better if I wasn't a little.. It's too burdensome on my friends and me. However I didn't get much more time to continue with my self loathing as the angry voice of my father boomed through the house.

little bundle of joy | taekook Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang