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Jungkook's pov:

To say Taehyung had woken up in a bad mood would be an understatement.

He had spent his morning shy and quiet, barely uttering an audible "morning daddy" before hiding himself under blankets on the sofa and sucking his pacifier for comfort. I felt awful, not knowing how to comfort my boy who's clearly been affected from the events of last night.

I was sure to give every ounce of my attention to the little, cuddling with him, carding my fingers through his hair, whispering sweet nothings and praises of how proud of him I am. When his hand started to hurt again, I even gave him some ice cream for taking his medicine so well.

However, it wasn't until lunch time had rolled around that this sadness quickly changed to anger.

Taehyung was frustrated. His little mind not being able to take on all these strong emotions at the same time or even process the sad truth about what his father had done. Being big, he would've been able to handle this all better but his little age couldn't. And it made me just want to take all of his pain away.

"no!" he screamed, hot tears pouring down his face as I tried to feed him his lunch. He was strapped into his high chair and was throwing an absolute fit at the thought of food.

"bun" I sigh, dropping the spoon back into the bowl and wiping his tears away with the pads of my thumbs. "I know you're hurting baby, I know you're confused and frustrated." I kiss him on the forehead before taking the spoon once again. "but you need to eat, you barely ate at all yesterday and ice cream and a bottle won't suffice you for today either."

Taehyung wasn't listening, shaking his head violently as his face grew redder, loud sobs echoing the kitchen before he screamed and shoved the spoon out of my hand. It hit the floor with a clash, splattering the small amount of rice it held onto the tiled floors.

"Taehyung" I sigh, bending down to pick the utensil back up. However, it was when I stood back up that Taehyung grabbed the bowl and did the exact same thing. Shoving it off of his high chair and onto the floor. The plastic hit the ground and the whole bowl of rice and mince went everywhere.

Taehyung cried louder, finding it difficult to breath which resulted in himself getting even more worked up.

I know this isn't like him. Taehyung is usually the shyest and sweetest little. Never daring to behave in such a way, and I know this is all because of last night. Because of his father.

But I also know that as his carer and as his daddy, I can't let this behaviour slide and know that I should've made rules a long time ago with him. Enabling him to learn what's right and wrong when in little space.

I sigh, taking a second to collect myself before turning back to the distraught boy.

"Taehyung, you do not throw your food on the floor like that" I tell him, voice only slightly stern because I know he doesn't want to act out this way.

"come here" I unlatch him from his high chair and pick him up into my arms. Taehyung's quick to bury his face into my neck and sob loudly, clutching me hard with his uninjured hand.

I walk the two of us over to the stairs, before placing him on the bottom step.

"baby listen to me" I crouch down to be eye level with him, taking his face in my hands and wiping away his tears once again. His eyes are bloodshot and wide, filled with tears that i'm sure are blurring his vision. His nose is snotty and face a dark shade of red.

"you need to calm yourself down" I whisper, blowing cool air onto his cheeks which causes him to intake sharply, a breath of air he definitely needs.

"you're going to sit here for 20 minutes and calm yourself down for daddy whilst I clean up the mess you've made okay?" I tell him, standing up and leaving him on the bottom step of the stairs, first time having to put the boy in timeout.

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