Forty One

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Taehyung's pov:

"ah i'm so excited!!" I whisper to Jungkook, once we've taken our seats in the auditorium.

The lights are dimmed completely down and every seat in the room is packed with excited parents and students alike, patiently waiting for the show to start.

"yeah, Jimin's worked so hard on this, i'm excited too" Yoongi whispers on my other side.

Jimin's been practicing non stop at lunchtimes and after school for this dance show the college put's on every year. It's similar to my art degree in terms of only advanced dancers can join. It's almost like a society to do alongside your degree and I can't wait to see what they've created.

In the darkness, I feel Jungkook take my hand. He gives it a reassuring squeeze and I smile, turning to face him. I can just about make out his eyes shining from the lights down on the stage, before he leans forward to kiss my temple.

"how are you feeling?" he whispers, thumb stroking over my knuckles.

Just before we left the house to come to the show this evening, I was just about slipping into my little space. But i've been looking forward to seeing Jimin perform tonight for weeks now and so I pulled myself out of it. Jungkook hates when I stop myself from slipping but understands why I did it tonight. I think he's just a bit worried.

"i'm fine koo" I whisper back, unable to drop my smile. "i can't wait to give these to Jiminie" i add, swinging my legs as I hold a bouquet of flowers on my lap.

Jungkook smiles and kisses my knuckles. Sat on my other side, I can hear Yoongi quietly laughing, and I look over to see he's messaging Jimin, screen brightness turned all the way down so he doesn't disturb the people around us.

"he's freaking out" he chuckles, showing me his screen to see the blonde is indeed freaking out.

"but he was so excited" I giggle, taking his phone when it's handed to me.

'you'll do great chimmy!! me, jungkook and yoongi are rooting for you, i've got your favourite flowers you'll smash it bestie <33 - love taehyungie'

I send the message and smile when it's hearted almost instantly. I just feel really giddy and happy tonight.

I have since the day I confronted my mom a week ago. I've been kind of flying in this little happy bubble and I don't think anyone can pop it even if they tried.

Eventually, all of the remaining lights dim down completely, leaving us in the dark. A large stage light flickers a dark orange, and the show begins.


"ah you were incredible!!" I squeal, tackling Jimin into a hug the second he emerges from backstage.

He laughs and wraps his arms around me, spinning us. "thank you tae!"

I giggle and pull away, far enough to be able to see his face and I kiss his cheek. "my bestie is so talented! I seriously didn't know you could do all those flips!"

Jimin laughs and brings me back into a hug. Our moment is interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

We turn to see the two carers, looking at us amused.

"yeah yeah we're here too" Yoongi grumbles, pulling the blonde into a hug the second I let go.

I take the flowers from Jungkook and hand them over, heart swelling at how much Jimin's face lights up.

"ah white roses!! they're so pretty thank you taehyungie!"

I smile and lean back into Jungkook's chest, feeling his arms wrap around me.

little bundle of joy | taekook Where stories live. Discover now