Thirty Eight

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Jungkook's pov:

"dad, be careful." I say, reaching my hand out to hold the man that's getting out of his hospital bed.

It's been three days since my father has woken up and today he's been given the all clear to go and see my mom.

Explaining to my dad the injuries my mother sustained came with a whole new wave of tears and emotions. I haven't seen my dad cry like that in years.

He's weighted with guilt. Angry tears and curse words shut down my idea of some therapy for him. The man has been built on generation after generation of toxic masculinity. He was the one to break out of the cycle and make sure I grow up to be vulnerable and in touch with my emotions. But despite his efforts, he still sometimes struggles to be fully vulnerable. And so the idea of him going to therapy seems to be too much.

"i'm fine son" he chuckles. His body tense with embarrassment for seeming unable to currently carry his own weight. But nonetheless, he lets me steady him and help him sit into the wheelchair beside his bed.

"i know" I say, breathing a little shaky. "just want to make sure you're okay. You only had spinal surgery four days ago, dad. You still shouldn't really be walking."

He gives me a nod and a smile, squeezing my hand with his uninjured one. The thought of going to see his wife has been at the forefront of his mind and his main priority since waking up.

I wheel him out of the room, being careful to not jar his back or arm before opening the door to my mother's room.

It's quiet. A secure rhythm of beeps fill our ears to let us know she is okay. She's still in an induced coma, but with the doctors seeing no sign of infection, they're planning to bring her out of it today. They've already started the process by reducing her medication so she should be awake sometime tomorrow.

I hear my father take in a shaky breath, the same reaction I had at seeing her. At seeing them both.

I shut the door behind us once we're inside, wheeling my father over to beside her bed before sitting down too. The lights have been kept dim. She wouldn't benefit from having bright hospital lights buzzing away every hour of the day.

"oh, love."

I look over to see my dad's face covered in tears. He takes her hand in his, slowly bringing it up to his lips for a sweet kiss.

"my darling."

He continues to cry silently, breathing uneven as he takes in every single injury and bruise. I keep quiet, not wanting to disturb such a personal moment.

I know he has a lot to say. So many thoughts and feelings whirring around his mind. But he wouldn't dare let any insecure thoughts go knowing i'm sat here. He always seems to want to be strong in front of me.

"i'll give you two some time together dad." I say quietly.

He looks over and gives me a small smile. Nodding as I squeeze his shoulder before leaning over and giving my mom a kiss on the forehead. I take a second to tuck some hair out of her eyes. Smiling at how young and beautiful she looks. So elegant despite the circumstances.

I eventually leave the room, not really wanting to be too far from my parents after what's happened but I give them their time together. I still fear I could lose them at any given moment.

I'm yet to go home. Yoongi returned on the first day with a bag of my clothes and a toothbrush. I've been showering here so i'm not too far incase i'm needed.

It's Tuesday so Taehyung has gone back to school. He'll be staying with Yoongi and Jimin until my parents are discharged. Yoongi brings him to come visit everyday and it makes me miss him even more.

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