Thirty One

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Taehyung's pov:

God I feel like i'm going to be sick.

The anxiety that is currently rushing through my body, is causing a very sickening lump to form in my throat as we drive to the court house and it's making me feel so nauseous.

I tried to focus on other things.

Like how the weather outside was grey and windy, it'll definitely rain.

Or how Jungkook's hand is on my thigh, giving reassuring squeezes as he drives.

I tried to think about anything other than seeing my dad. But I couldn't.

"baby, you're shaking." Jungkook says, after feeling the uncontrollable movement in my thigh.

"I feel like i'm going to be sick" I whisper, letting my eyes fall shut and head rest against the seat. Trying and failing to take deep and stable breathes.

I feel the car come to a stop and I open my eyes to see Jungkook's pulled up on the side of the road.

"baby, look at me." I do as he says and watch as Jungkook undoes his seat belt to lean over. He gently takes my face in his hands and lets his thumb stroke over the skin on my cheek.

"I know you're nervous, my love. It's completely nerve racking and I get it. But you're so strong and so incredibly brave. You've already been through so much and this will be the last time you have to face your father. If that's what you wish to do."

I try and nod my head, hearing every word Jungkook had said but it's hard when my chest is compressing and i'm finding it hard to breathe.

Jungkook is quick to unbuckle my own seatbelt and lift me up over the middle compartment, so i'm sat on his lap.

I bury my face into his neck and take a deep and long inhale of his scent. His perfume, his fabric softener. I'm trying to take my mind off everything and just focus on these two scents.

Focus on the feeling of Jungkook running his hand up and down my back and only listen to the reassurances he's whispering in my ear.

"y-you won't leave me when we get there?" I quietly ask, already knowing he said he wouldn't but just needing to hear that extra promise.

"not for a second baby. I'll stay right by your side. Your hyung's, Jimin and Yoongi will be there too. They'll meet us after you've met Haru. And that's something to look forward to isn't it? You get to see your brother again."

I smile into Jungkook's neck at this.

He's right. I do get to see Haru.

I take a shaky breath and pull my head away, looking up at Jungkook to see he's already staring at me. And he gives me a warm smile.

"my beautiful boy" he coos, tucking some hair behind my ear. "you look so pretty today." he adds, his eyes travelling down my clothing.

Because it's a court trial you have to wear a bit more on the smart attire side than your regular clothing.

Jungkook's dressed in black slacks and a crisp white shirt. The top two buttons undone with a black blazer he'll wear once we get out of the car.

I'm just wearing my white jumper Jungkook bought me for Christmas and a pair of black slacks too. I hadn't worn any before let alone own a pair, so Jungkook took me out to get some ahead of this trial. And since wearing them, he can't stop calling me adorable and cute.

"you look handsome too" I shyly reply, smiling as my anxiety is slowly being taken over by the excitement of seeing Haru.

"thank you bun." Jungkook grins and plants a kiss to my lips, gently holding the back of my head so we can savour the moment for a second longer.

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