Thirty Seven

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Taehyung's pov:

Everything happened so quickly.

One second I was cuddled up to Jungkook on the sofa, giggling as he made ridiculous jokes. And the next he was grabbing our things in a panic to leave. Eyes wide and breathing quick and shallow.

He was rushing like crazy, looking on the verge of a panic attack as he grabbed our coats and shoes. But despite how distracted he was, he still took the time to put my shoes on for me. Kneeling down in front of the sofa as he did my laces up with shaky fingers. Something that made my heart break.

I had heard everything.

Heard what the police man had shouted over the rain and watched as the life practically drained from Jungkook's eyes. The happiness that was once their, mere seconds ago. Gone.

I wanted to cry. The news was so out of the blue and sudden. I didn't get time to even take in the awful information before my hood was being pulled over my head and Jungkook was dragging me out in the night towards his car. Hand in mine.

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to comfort Koo. Wanted to say all the reassuring things he says to me time and time again but I couldn't.

As Jungkook's knuckles were going white on the steering wheel. Frantic eyes darting up to the rear view mirror every now and again as he tried to keep himself from going over the speed limit. My attempts were clogged in my throat.

Just watching Jungkook's eyes begin to water had me starting to cry. I just didn't know what to do.

"koo" I whispered quietly, wiping my tear tracks briefly as I reached my hand out for him. Placing it delicately over his on the gear stick.

The rain was still continuing to pelt heavily on the windows, drowning out my attempts to sooth my partner. But Jungkook still heard me.

He flinched slightly at being taken out of his own thoughts, eyes shooting to mine before he does a double take.

He gives me a shaky smile. It's small and barely there. Despite feeling so scared and anxious himself, he is still trying to reassure me.

We come to a red light, and Jungkook seems upset by this. Just wanting to get to his parents as his knee begins to bounce. He releases a small sound. It sounded almost like a whine as he rests his arm on the inside of the car door, head resting in his hand. He squeezes his eyes shut and mumbles a mantra of "come on come on come on."

There was nothing I could say or do to take away the fear Jungkook is currently feeling. Hell, i'm feeling it too.

But this is his parents. The people who raised Jungkook. The people who have always been there for him and who have hearts of absolute gold.

Fighting off the rest of my own tears, I lean forward and take his hand off the gear stick. Holding it in both of mine. I bring it up to my lips and place a gentle kiss to his knuckles, thumb running over the skin there afterwards. I can't say or do much until we know the condition his parents are in. And so I just continue to hold Jungkook's hand. Feeling my own bottom lip begin to quiver.

Jungkook's body relaxes ever so slightly at this. His gaze falls to mine and a single tear falls from his eye. He doesn't bother to try and wipe it away but he gives my hand a squeeze.

"i love you" he mumbles, voice shaky.

"i love you too" I whisper, kissing the back of his hand once again. "it's going to be okay koo."


The hectic and loud chaos of the hospital buzzed loudly in my ears as I was dragged through the ground floor.

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