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Jungkook's pov:

I walk into my bedroom to find Taehyung sprawled out like a starfish. Hair all fluffy and sticking out in every direction, pacifier hanging loosely from his lips, and the cutest puffs of air leaving his mouth as he sleeps.

I woke up an hour prior, taking the opportunity given to me to have a shower and get ready, although I found it incredibly difficult to leave Taehyung's warmth.

"tae" I whisper, shaking the boy's shoulder lightly. I didn't want him to oversleep and wake up grumpy. I also didn't know whether he was going to wake up in big or little space, so I was prepared for both scenarios.

Taehyung began to stir slightly, a whine leaving his lips as a small fist made its way to his closed eye, rubbing it harshly. He huffed out some air before clutching his bunny tight, it miraculously never left his hold the entire night.

"good morning bun" I smile, once he started sucking on his pacifier, telling me he's still in little space.

Taehyung finally opens his eyes, glossy and doe like looking up at me. I give him a warm smile in which he adorably returns before he lifts his arms up, making grabby hands at me.

I'm quick to pull him up into my hold, his arms laying limp in his lap and face buried tiredly into my chest.

"how did you sleep sunshine?" I asked him, not being able to drop my smile as I hold the boy close. Taehyung just nods half heartedly before beginning to drift off once again.

"woah there baby, you can't go back to sleep" I tell him, bringing his face away from my chest.

Taehyung releases a whine, eyes half shut and pacifier hanging loosely from his mouth. I cant help but laugh at the sight. Looking incredibly beautiful but also very grumpy.

I blow bubbles into his neck, hearing loud giggles echo the room. I pull away to see Taehyung finally staring back at me. Eyes sparkling and he's smiling.
I could also feel that his diaper was heavy beneath my fingers.

"come on, let's get you changed and that tummy fed" I tell him, lifting his body up onto my hip. Taehyung's quick to grab his bunny before we take off, holding the stuffed animal close.


Taehyung had perked up by the time he was changed and fed, dancing happily in his high chair and clapping his hands with a mouth full of chocolate chip pancakes. I would usually opt for a healthier breakfast but I couldn't resist spoiling him today.

It was also around this time that I was watching him cover his mouth in chocolate that I realised I should probably give him a bath. I know he needs one and I shouldn't neglect that, but I also don't want to cross any boundaries he may want to keep. Sure i've changed him and put him in a diaper, but I don't want Taehyung to come out of his headspace feeling absolutely horrified that I gave him a bath. Especially since i'm not his caregiver.. The thought alone makes me sad, but i'll still stay hopeful for what the future could hold.

"Tae baby do you want a bath?" I ask him, chuckling slightly at how he's managed to get chocolate in his hair.

Taehyung looks up at me and giggles, nodding his head excitedly.

"ducky?" he asks, tilting his head to the side.

"yes bun lots of ducky's" I tell him, watching his face light up before he starts planning his mini escape from his high chair, pancakes abandoned on his plate.

"woah there tiger" I laugh, settling the boy back down. "you have to finish your breakfast first"


"ah! noooo" Taehyung cries, clutching my shirt tight.

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